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Home / Collections
Offertory / Door Collection
This is the collection which is taken up each Sunday during Mass, and goes totally towards the daily running costs and the general maintenance and upkeep of your Churches and towards parish development.
It covers expenses such as insurance, heat, light, church supplies, leaflets, bulletins, diocesan services, etc.
The Sunday Offertory collection pays the wages of parish administrative staff, church sacristans and organist.
This collection also helps to fund major projects in the Churches or in the Parish.
We realize that many people pay to the weekly collection and other special collections by putting cash in the basket.
Obviously we are unable to record these payments on our system but we are very grateful to everyone who has contributed in this way.
If you are not yet contributing to your Parish and would like to have envelopes sent out to you please let us know at 049 4331404 or call in to the Presbytery, Farnham St., Cavan.
However, for the purpose of our receipt we can only acknowledge money that came in by direct debit, envelope (or cheque) and has been recorded on our system.
Tax Refunds
We encourage all taxpayers to use the envelopes, because if you do, and your total contribution is €250 or over, the Parish can claim back from the Revenue the tax you have already paid on your contribution if you complete the CHY 4 form and return it to us. Click on the link below to download the form.
Should you require any further information or if you think we can be of assistance to you in any way please do not hesitate to contact us by phone, by letter or by email. On behalf of the Bishop and Priests I wish you, your family and all who are dear to you, every blessing and happiness.
Monthly Payments Collection [DUES]
This collection is taken up once a month, or some people contribute once annually or by direct debit and the contributions pay the salaries of the Bishop, the Priests of the Parish and our part-time Pastoral Assistant. This collection is contributed in the monthly envelope.
We realize that many people pay to the weekly collection and other special collections by putting cash in the basket.
Obviously we are unable to record these payments on our system but we are very grateful to everyone who has contributed in this way.
If you are not yet contributing to your Parish and would like to have envelopes sent out to you please let us know at 049 4331404 or call in to the Presbytery, Farnham St., Cavan.
However, for the purpose of our receipt we can only acknowledge money that came in by direct debit, envelope (or cheque) and has been recorded on our system.
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