2nd March, 2025

23rd February, 2025

16th February, 2025

9th February, 2025

2nd February, 2025
St. Bridget's Weekend
Presentation of the Lord

26th January, 2025

19th January, 2025

12th January, 2025

5th January, 2025

New Year's Week, 2025

Christmas Week, 2024

28th April, 2024
Eucharistic Adoration in St. Clare's Chapel
11am – 7pm daily
BENEDICTION in St Clare’s Chapel next Sunday 5th May at 7pm.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Acts 10:25-26,44-48
2nd Reading: 12 Jn 4:7-10
Psalm 97
Gospel: Jn 15:9-17
CONFESSIONS: Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish
Booking essential at 049 4331404.
Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Levi Kura, Ultan Smith, Conán O’Reilly
& all who were baptised recently.
First Holy Communion 2024
Congratulations to the children from Farnham NS, Killygarry NS & Butlersbridge NS who received the sacrament of First Holy Communion this weekend.
Prayerful reading of the gospel:
Lectio Divina meetings in the Conference Room in the Cathedral after 10am Mass on Tuesdays. All welcome.
2024 Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
30th May for 7 nights, flights from Dublin.
For enquiries and bookings please contact Cavan Travel 049 4361222. Email info@cavantravel.com
If any person living alone or you know of anyone who would like a visit from a member of the Legion of Mary please leave your name and number in the Presbytery.
The Legion of Mary annual Acies takes place on 30th April in St Clare’s Chapel at 7.30pm. Rosary at 7pm.
All auxiliary members welcome.
After 10am Mass on Friday mornings.
Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays.
Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays.
Cards & Candles for First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Baptism. Mass Cards for all occasions.
Rosary Beads, Prayer Books, Religious Gifts
Cullies Sunday 30th June 1pm
Killygarry Sunday 7th July 11am
Urney Saturday 3rd August 7.30pm
Butlersbridge Sunday 4th August 10.30am
THE FIRST FRIDAY VIGIL OF REPARATION in St. Clare's Adoration Chapel, Friday 3rd May, 6pm to 10pm. You are invited to attend for even some of it.
St Peregrine Mass for the sick will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 1st May in St Aidan’s Church, Butlersbridge
St Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer patients.
Anointing with St Peregrine oil will be offered at the Mass.
Prayer for Favourable Weather
God our Father, we turn to you, the source of all goodness and grace. We come before you with humble hearts, seeking your divine intervention in the rhythm of the seasons. Bless us with the favourable weather which we so badly need at this time, especially for our farming community and all others whose livelihoods depend on it. Grant them strength and perseverance in their work. In their labour may they find solace and fulfilment, knowing that their efforts contribute to the well being of our communities. Bless them with resilience in the face of challenges and grant them moments of peace amidst the storms of life. Help us, as faith communities, to support and uplift them, recognising the vital role they play in sustaining life. Guide us, Lord, to be mindful stewards of the earth and compassionate neighbours to those who cultivate it. May your loving presence be a beacon of hope and strength for all. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Sr Mary Okumu, Sister of Mercy, is Chief Executive of Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Mutomo in Kenya. Sr Mary wishes to thank the generous people of Cavan for their significant financial support over the years. The hospital caters for around 100,000 people in the area, half of the population are under 15. Donations are urgently needed as most of the patients are too poor to pay for health care.
You can donate to Bank of Ireland, Cavan:
IBAN IE 72 BOFI 9032 9344 7597 80 or online at https://www.idonate.ie/cause/cavanfamineaidsappeal
Cavan Alzheimer Support Group: The Forget Me Not Cafe takes place next Wednesday 1st May in Castlemanor Day Centre, Drumalee, Cavan, 11am till 12.30pm.
Cavan Alzheimer Support Group meet next Thursday 2nd May in Breffni Integrated/CCLD, 6 Corlurgan Business Park, Ballinagh Rd. Cavan H12D86. For more information on the above contact Carole 0852669542 or Claire 0852562482.
Our annual Alzheimer Tea Day takes place on Sunday 12th May in John Sullivan Day Centre, Cathedral Rd. Cavan from 10.30am till 2pm.
We have the rugby club choir in attendance - also fantastic prizes for our raffle. Please come & support thank you.
Age Friendly Cavan Pre Retirement Seminar
May 2nd at 9.30am in Hotel Kilmore. To book a place
email agefriendly@cavancoco.ie or phone 049 4378654
Cavan Social Services AGM Tuesday 30 April at 8pm in Day Centre. Outing to Great Northern Hotel, Bundoran arriving 4th June, 3 nights B&B, 3 evening meals, 2day tours, entertainment each night. Cost €325 pps.
Contact 087 8228097 or 086 3680066
Cavan Singers Proms 2024 -ALL THAT JAZZ – Cavan Singers & guests including Fr Darragh Connolly - in Farnham Estate, Cavan on 1st & 2nd May at 8pm.
Tickets €20 each available from Cavan Gifts.
Monday 6th May at 12noon, Drumalee Cross, Cavan -
in aid of Cavan / Monaghan Palliative Care & Friends of Drumlin House. For more information or to register call:
Maud 089 4170740 or Yvonne 087 7547111
Mass Intentions
Saturday 27th 7.30pm
Sean Curtin, Carrickane
Bertie Cronin, Moynehall & deceased family members
Sean & Mary Young, Drumalee
John A & Brigid Young, Billis
Sunday 28th 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 28th 10am
Noel Teahan, Keadue, Cathedral Rd. (Month’s Mind)
Sunday 28th 11.30am
William (Willie) Mimnagh, Moynehall
Hughie & Mary Ellen Sexton & John Brady, Drumcrave
Paddy & Kathleen Dunne, Moynehall
Sean Leinster, Highfield Rd.
Laurence Kelly, Ballyjamesduff
Tom Donohoe, Tullacmongan
Monday 29th 10am
Maura & Frank Goodman, Cootehill Rd.
Tuesday 30th 10am
Available for Intentions
Wednesday 1st May 10am
Special Intention
Thursday 2nd 10am
Ray & Thana Mc Dwyer
Michael, Ellen & Tom Kelly
Friday 3rd 10am
Sheridan family, St Bridget’s Tce.
Saturday 4th 10am
Mollie Kiernan, Owen Roe Tce
Saturday 4th 7.30pm
Jim McCabe, Drumryan & deceased family members; Madge, John & Sean McCabe, Billis & Drumryan
Bathia Roger O’Reilly, Killymooney Drive [Month’s Mind]
Gretta Burns, Carrickfern
Sunday 5th 8.30am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 5th 10am
Don Fannon, Jubilee Tce & deceased family members
Departed Souls
Sunday 5th 11.30am
Joe & Bernadette Young, Drumcrave & deceased of family
Patricia Galligan, Corohoe
Tom Ryan, Drumglen Drive, Swellan
Mick & Pat Mc Carthy, Farnham Rd.
Kathleen & Jim Galligan, Curragho
Niall Keogh, Rock Cross
Sunday 28th 9.30am
Fr Benny Fitzpatrick, Rathcorrick
Dessie Fitzpatrick, Killygarry
Friday 3rd 7.30pm
Maureen Hayes, Alacken
Sean Coyle, Patrick & Mary Ann Coyle, Pullamore
Paddy Mc Entee, Cullies
Sunday 5th 9.30am
Sr Angela McCabe, Poor Clare Convent, Drumshanbo & late of Araghan
Sunday 28th 10.30am
First Holy Communion Mass
Wednesday 1st May 7.30pm
Mass in honour of St Peregrine
Friday 3rd 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Sunday 5th 10.30am
Kathleen & Michael Mc Govern, Bartley & Mary Mc Govern, Derryheen, John & Margaret Reilly, Corfree, Gowna
Hugh Pa & Kathleen O’Reilly, Keeney
We remember in our prayers
MICHAEL JOHNSTON, Stradone father of
& Carrickaboy
EUGENE JONES, St Martin’s Estate
DONAL CROWE, Drung brother of Declan, Brendan,
FR JIM BRADY St Patrick’s Missionary Society,
Kiltegan & Loughduff
& all who died recently
21st April, 2024
Eucharistic Adoration St. Clare's Chapel
11am – 7pm daily
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Acts 9:26-31
2nd Reading: 12 Jn 3:18-24
Psalm 21
Gospel: Jn 15:1-8
CONFESSIONS: Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish
Booking essential at 049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Tiernan Mc Donnell, Eanna Gurhy
& all who were baptised recently.
***Confirmation 2024
We congratulate the children from Killygarry NS,
Butlersbridge NS, St Clare’s NS, Drumcrave NS & Gaelscoil who received the sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday 13th April.
***First Holy Communion 2024
Congratulations to the children from St Clare’s, Drumcrave, Gaelscoil, St Felim’s, Crubany & Coulurgan NS who received the sacrament of First Holy Communion on Saturday 20th April.
Prayerful reading of the gospel:
Lectio Divina meetings resume in the Conference Room in the Cathedral after 10am Mass on Tuesdays. All welcome.
VOCATIONS SUNDAY Sunday 21st April 2024.
The Year of Prayer for Vocation for the Diocesan Priesthood will come to a formal close on Good Shepherd Sunday (April 21st) when we celebrate the 61st World Day of Prayer for Vocations.
We ask you all to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
2024 Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
31st May for 5 nights ex Knock, 30th May for 7 nights ex Dublin. From €929 per person sharing.
Enquiries to Cavan Travel 049 4361222.
Apply to Fr Thomas Mannion 071 9643014 or
087 9170879 for Assisted Pilgrims.
If any person living alone or you know of anyone who would like a visit from a member of the Legion of Mary please leave your name and number in the Presbytery.
The Legion of Mary annual Acies takes place on 30th April in St Clare’s Chapel at 7.30pm. Rosary at 7pm.
All auxiliary members welcome.
The Poor Clares in Galway are hosting an online Q&A for young women who would like to know more about the Poor Clare way of life. The event will take place from 7-8:30pm on Wednesday, May 1st. For more information contact vocations@poorclares.ie
Prayer for Favourable Weather
God our Father, we turn to you, the source of all goodness and grace. We come before you with humble hearts, seeking your divine intervention in the rhythm of the seasons. Bless us with the favourable weather which we so badly need at this time, especially for our farming community and all others whose livelihoods depend on it. Grant them strength and perseverance in their work. In their labour may they find solace and fulfilment, knowing that their efforts contribute to the well being of our communities. Bless them with resilience in the face of challenges and grant them moments of peace amidst the storms of life. Help us, as faith communities, to support and uplift them, recognising the vital role they play in sustaining life. Guide us, Lord, to be mindful stewards of the earth and compassionate neighbours to those who cultivate it. May your loving presence be a beacon of hope and strength for all. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Sr Mary Okumu, Sister of Mercy, is Chief Executive of Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Mutomo in Kenya. Donations are urgently needed as most of the patients are too poor to pay for health care.
Sr Mary will speak in the Drumlane Room at the Pastoral Centre, St Patrick’s College, Cavan H12 K827 on Saturday 27 April at 5pm.
Town Hall Theatre, Cavan - A hilarious 2 Act Comedy performed by the Award Winning Ballintemple Variety Troupe on Friday and Saturday, 26th and 27th April at 8pm. 50% of proceeds from both nights goes to the IMNDA. Booking online or at 049/4380494. Please support this very worthy cause.
AL ANON Is your home unhappy because someone drinks too much? Hope for family & Friends – come to our meeting in the Pastoral Centre, St Patrick’s College, Cavan every Friday at 10.30am
Monday 6th May at 12noon, Drumalee Cross, Cavan -
in aid of Cavan / Monaghan Palliative Care & Friends of Drumlin House. For more information or to register call:
Maud 089 4170740 or Yvonne 087 7547111
After 10am Mass on Friday mornings.
Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays.
Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays.
Cards & Candles for First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Baptism. Mass Cards for all occasions.
Rosary Beads, Prayer Books, Religious Gifts
Mass Intentions
Saturday 20th 7.30pm
Austin & Kathleen McCabe, Creighan Drive
Elizabeth Rose Kearns, Richmond Mills
Eddie Jermyn, Highfield Rd.
Special Intention
Seamie Kinsella, College St.
Margaret & Bernard Cronin, Annaglough, Joan & Simon Clarke, Navan, Paddy & Kay Galligan, Pullamore
Sunday 21st 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 21st 10am
Nancy O’Reilly, Billis
Mattie Keogh, Rathcorrick
Sunday 21st 11.30am
Mary & Michael McCoy; Walter & Kitty Mc Peake
Eilish Mc Cullough, Cootehill Rd., Paddy & Mary Kerrigan, Lisreagh
Ellen & Andy Mc Phillips, Billis
Joan Dillon, Castlemanor Nursing Home
Monday 22nd 10am
John Conaty, Drung
Joseph & Mary Ellen Murray & son Philip, Tullacmongan
Tuesday 23rd 10am
Teresa Gilcreest, Keadue
Deceased of Greene, Keyes & Mc Namara families
Wednesday 24th 10am
Special Intention
Thursday 25th 10am
Pat Mc Keown
Friday 26th 10am
Terry & Raymond O’Reilly, Drumalee
Michael Smith, Poolbeg St., Dublin
Saturday 27th 10am
Available for Intentions
Saturday 27th 7.30pm
Sean Curtin, Carrickane
Bertie Cronin, Moynehall & deceased family members
Sean & Mary Young, Drumalee
John A & Brigid Young, Billis
Sunday 28th 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 28th 10am
Noel Teahan, Keadue, Cathedral Rd. (Month’s Mind)
Sunday 28th 11.30am
William (Willie) Mimnagh, Moynehall
Hughie & Mary Ellen Sexton & John Brady, Drumcrave
Paddy & Kathleen Dunne, Moynehall
Sean Leinster, Highfield Rd.
Laurence Kelly, Ballyjamesduff
Tom Donohoe, Tullacmongan
Sunday 21st 10.45am
Brian Lynch & baby Odhran
Roisin Webber, Corglass
Monday 22nd 7.30pm
Special Intention
Special Intention
Tuesday 23rd 7.30pm
Belinda Mc Donagh Walsh, Drumgola Woods
Patrick Reynolds
Sunday 28th 10.45am
Peter Burns, Owen Roe Tce.
Sunday 21st 9.30am
Andy Mc Govern, Drumoghra
Eamon Mc Govern, Pullamore
Finbar Noonan, Tullacmongan
Patrick & Rose Galligan, Glasdrumman
John Joe & Anna Galligan & deceased family members, Edenticlare
Friday 26th 7.30pm
Matt, Annamay & John King, Poles & deceased of Smith family, Alacken
Sunday 28th 9.30am
Fr Benny Fitzpatrick, Rathcorrick
Dessie Fitzpatrick, Killygarry
Sunday 21st 10.30am
Sheila & Ted Donnelly, Deggan
Wednesday 24th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Friday 26th 7.30pm
Private Intention
Sunday 28th 10.30am
First Holy Communion Mass
We remember in our prayers
STEPHEN KELLY, Newbridge & late of Cootehill Rd., Cavan
KATHLEEN RYAN, Bray sister of Dolores Smith, Highfield Rd.
& all who died recently
14th April, 2024
Eucharistic Adoration in St. Clare's Chapel
11am – 7pm daily
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Acts 4:8-12
2nd Reading: Jn 3:1-2
Psalm 117
Gospel: Jn 10:11-18
CONFESSIONS: Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish
Booking essential at 049 4331404.
Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Faolán Mc Guinness, Fiadh Kelly,
Alex Kurzeja, Noah Gumley
& all who were baptised recently.
After 10am Mass on Friday mornings.
Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays.
Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays.
Cards & Candles for First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Baptism. Mass Cards for all occasions.
Rosary Beads, Prayer Books, Religious Gifts
Prayerful reading of the gospel:
Lectio Divina meetings resume in the Conference Room in the Cathedral after 10am Mass on Tuesdays. All welcome.
2024 Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
31st May for 5 nights ex Knock, 30th May for 7 nights ex Dublin. From €929 per person sharing.
Enquiries to Cavan Travel 049 4361222.
Apply to Fr Thomas Mannion 071 9643014 or
087 9170879 for Assisted Pilgrims.
Three Day Pilgrimage – 31st May until 15th August
One Day Retreat May 5th, 6th, 12th ,14th, 18th, 25t , 27th
Aug 17th, 20th, 25th, 26th, 31st
Sept 4th, 7th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 21st, 22nd
Quiet Day 11th May & 13th September
Lakeshore Pilgrimage May 26th & Sept 1st
Residential Retreat 9-13 June 21-25 June
21-25 July 4-8 Aug
For further details: 071 98615187
info@loughderg.org www.loughderg.org
Fr Gerry Campbell will offer mass and prayers for intergenerational healing on Thursday April 18th in the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre Cavan.
Confessions from 6.15pm, Rosary 7pm, Holy Mass 7.30pm.
All welcome.
Church Gate Collection for Holy Family School takes place on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd April.
All support greatly appreciated.
If any person living alone or you know of anyone who would like a visit from a member of the Legion of Mary please leave your name and number in the Presbytery.
Is your home unhappy because someone drinks too much?
Hope for family & Friends – come to our meeting in the Pastoral Centre, St Patrick’s College, Cavan every Friday at 10.30am.
Would you like someone to talk to? SeniorLine is Ireland’s national telephone service for older people open every day of the year, 10am-10pm, Freephone 1800 80 45 91.
Callers may feel isolated, alone, wish to discuss a problem in confidence, or for company during their day.
SeniorLine’s older volunteers are trained to listen, to support, to discuss options and to refer caller to other helpful services if necessary.
So don’t be alone if sharing a problem would help. Phone SeniorLine 1800 80 45 91, open every day of the year 10am-10pm
Town Hall Theatre, Cavan - A hilarious 2 Act Comedy performed by the Award Winning Ballintemple Variety Troupe on Friday and Saturday, 26th and 27th April at 8pm. 50% of proceeds from both nights goes to the IMNDA.
Booking online or at 049/4380494. Come along for a great night’s entertainment and support this very worthy cause.
An Evening Recital
Sue Donohoe (Piano) and Fr. Darragh Connolly (Tenor) present an evening of song and piano music - classical and opera - on Sunday 14th April at 6pm in Ramor Arts Centre, Virginia. Tickets available at ramortheatre.ticketsolve.com
The Legion of Mary annual Acies takes place on 30th April
in St Clare’s Chapel at 7.30pm. Rosary at 7pm.
All auxiliary members welcome.
VOCATIONS SUNDAY Sunday 21st April 2024.
The Year of Prayer for Vocation for the Diocesan Priesthood will come to a formal close on Good Shepherd Sunday (April 21st) when we celebrate the 61st World Day of Prayer for Vocations.
We ask you all to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Accord Catholic Marriage Care Services CLG seeking marriage preparation facilitators
ACCORD Catholic Marriage Car Services CLG is currently recruiting volunteers to train as marriage preparation facilitators.
If you have a positive attitude towards marriage in the Catholic Church
If you have the enthusiasm to be part of the Accord team in supporting couples who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage
Accord wants to hear from you!
Successful applicants will receive professional training and will be part of a team delivering marriage preparation programmes locally.
Contact Aisling on 01 505 3112 or by email to marriagepreparation@accord.ie
Mass Intentions
Saturday 13th 7.30pm
Brigid & Billy Mc Cabe & daughter Sarah, St Aidan’s
Rosemary Malone. Athlone
Michael Mc Ardle, Convent Court, Bailieboro
Sunday 14th 8.30am
Laura Donohoe
Special Intention
Sunday 14th 10am
No Intentions
Sunday 14th 11.30am
Peter Mc Ginnity, Drumalee
Paddy Dononhoe, Glenside Rd.
Mattie Mc Donagh, Drumalee
Tom & Nellie Gilroy, Cathedral Rd.
Mary McGee, Milford, Co Donegal
Monday 15th 10am
Special Intention
Tuesday 16th 10am
Paul Coyle, Crubany
Bridget & John Cawley, Owen Roe Tce
Wednesday 17th 10am
Special Intention
Special Intention
Thursday 18th 10am
Terry, Tommy & Clare Smith, Killycannon
Mary Jose
Friday 19th 10am
Maura Leonard
John & Rosena Macken
Saturday 20th 10am
Teresa Mc Caul, John Paul Ave
Eithne Mulvaney, Drumcrave
Saturday 20th 7.30pm
Austin & Kathleen McCabe, Creighan Drive
Elizabeth Rose Kearns, Richmond Mills
Eddie Jermyn, Highfield Rd.
Special Intention
Seamie Kinsella, College St.
Margaret & Bernard Cronin, Annaglough, Joan & Simon Clarke, Navan, Paddy & Kay Galligan, Pullamore
Sunday 21st 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 21st 10am
Nancy O’Reilly, Billis
Mattie Keogh, Rathcorrick
Sunday 21st 11.30am
Mary & Michael McCoy; Walter & Kitty Mc Peake
Eilish Mc Cullough, Cootehill Rd., Paddy & Mary Kerrigan, Lisreagh
Ellen & Andy Mc Phillips, Billis
Joan Dillon, Castlemanor Nursing Home
Sunday 14th 10.45am
Johnny Cronin, Cathedral View [Month’s Mind]
Monday 15th 7.30pm
Martin Mc Donagh, Townspark
Dr John Sullivan, Rock Cross
Tuesday 16th 7.30pm
John & Elizabeth Sheridan & deceased family members, Butlersbridge
Jim & Kathleen Malone; Mary, Nellie & Brigid Crowe
Sunday 21st 10.45am
Brian Lynch & baby Odhran
Roisin Webber, Corglass
Sunday 14th 9.30am
People of the Parish
Friday 19th 7.30pm
Dympna & Jimmy Cusack, Shankill
Tommy & Roseann Higgins, Shankill; Tom, Ann & Eamon Higgins & deceased of Higgins & Tully families
Sunday 21st 9.30am
Andy Mc Govern, Drumoghra
Eamon Mc Govern, Pullamore
Finbar Noonan, Tullacmongan
Patrick & Rose Galligan, Glasdrumman
John Joe & Anna Galligan & deceased family members, Edenticlare
Sunday 14th 10.30am
Vincent, Vincent Snr. & Mary Kate Bartley, Annagh, Butlersbridge & Vera Cosgrove
Peter & Pauline Hayden, Cullies
Wednesday 17th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Friday 19th 7.30pm
Norbie Fitzpatrick
Sunday 21st 10.30am
Sheila & Ted Donnelly, Deggan
We remember in our prayers
PADDY HEENAN, Ballyduff, Tipperary father of Catherine Mc Govern, Pullamore
JOHN WALSH, Killymooney Drive
SR MARY COLEMAN, Holy Rosary Sisters
& all who died recently
Divine Mercy Sunday, 7th April 2024
Eucharistic Adoration
St. Clare's Chapel
11am – 7pm daily
Eucharistic Adoration St Clare’s Chapel Sunday 7th April
In order to facilitate people who wish to attend the Divine Mercy ceremony at 3pm in the Cathedral, Eucharist Adoration in St Clare’s chapel will finish at 2.30pm on Sunday 7th April.
BENEDICTION in St Clare’s Chapel this Sunday 7th April at 7pm.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19
2nd Reading: Jn 2:1-5
Psalm 4
Gospel: Lk 24:35-48
CONFESSIONS: Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
DIVINE MERCY MASS & DEVOTIONS in Cathedral at 3pm this Sunday 7th April.
DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS will take place in St Patrick’s Church, Milltown on Divine Mercy Sunday 7th April at 7pm. Fr Thomas Small and Deacon Jordan Mac Gabhann will officiate. Milltown church is home to the famous Robinson masterpiece of the Divine Mercy. It is proposed that the devotions will take place on the first Sunday of every month at 7pm, except July, August, September and January
Prayerful reading of the Gospel.
Lectio Divina meetings resume in the Conference Room in the Cathedral after 10am Mass on Tuesday. All welcome.
St Peregrine Mass for the sick will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 10th April in St Aidan’s Church, Butlersbridge
St Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer patients.
Anointing with St Peregrine oil will be offered at the Mass.
2024 Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
31st May for 5 nights ex Knock, 30th May for 7 nights ex Dublin. From €929 per person sharing.
Enquiries to Cavan Travel 049 4361222.
Apply to Fr Thomas Mannion 071 9643014 or
087 9170879 for Assisted Pilgrims.
Three Day Pilgrimage – 31st May until 15th August
One Day Retreat May 5th, 6th, 12th ,14th, 18th, 25t , 27th
Aug 17th, 20th, 25th, 26th, 31st
Sept 4th, 7th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 21st, 22nd
Quiet Day 11th May & 13th September
Lakeshore Pilgrimage May 26th & Sept 1st
Residential Retreat 9-13 June 21-25 June
21-25 July 4-8 Aug
For further details: 071 98615187
Kilmore Diocesan PTAA
Mass for the deceased pioneer members of the Diocese of Kilmore on Friday 12th April at 7pm in
St Bridget’s Church, Killeshandra
A candle will be lit for every parish in the Diocese.
It would be great to see representatives from all parishes. Everyone welcome. Refreshments served.
Is your home unhappy because someone drinks too much? Hope for family & Friends – come to our meeting in the Pastoral Centre, St Patrick’s College, Cavan every Friday at 10.30am.
If any person living alone or you know of anyone who would like a visit from a member of the Legion of Mary please leave your name and number in the Presbytery.
An Evening Recital
Sue Donohoe (Piano) and Fr. Darragh Connolly (Tenor) present an evening of song and piano music - classical and opera - on Sunday 14th April at 6pm in Ramor Arts Centre, Virginia. Tickets available at ramortheatre.ticketsolve.com
To mark the 150th anniversary of St Patrick’s College,
Dr Liam Mc Niffe will speak about “The History of the College 1874 – 2024” at the Pastoral Centre on Tuesday 9th April at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome.
Thank you to all who supported the Coffee morning in the Cathedral on Daffodil Day. €731 was raised for this worthy cause.
Baptisms in our Parish
Booking essential at 049 4331404.
Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
After 10am Mass on Friday mornings.
Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays.
Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays.
Cards & Candles for First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Baptism. Mass Cards for all occasions.
Rosary Beads, Prayer Books, Religious Gifts
Accord Catholic Marriage Care Services CLG seeking marriage preparation facilitators
ACCORD Catholic Marriage Care Services CLG is currently recruiting volunteers to train as marriage preparation facilitators.
If you have a positive attitude towards marriage in the Catholic Church
If you have the enthusiasm to be part of the Accord team in supporting couples who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage
Accord wants to hear from you!
Successful applicants will receive professional training and will be part of a team delivering marriage preparation programmes locally.
Contact Aisling on 01 505 3112 or by email to marriagepreparation@accord.ie
Mass Intentions:
Saturday 6th 7.30pm
Tommy & Eilish Donohoe, Dublin Rd.
Sunday 7th 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 7th 10am
Brian & Philomena Coleman, Farnham Rd.
Kathleen Comaskey, Drumalee [Month’s Mind]
Sunday 7th 11.30am
Bridie Kane, London & Lakeview
Martina & Darragh Bannigan, Swellan
Thomas Connolly (Snr), Drumelis
Vera Mc Mahon, Highfield Rd.
Jim & Maureen Scanlon, Townhall St., Kathleen Sexton & deceased of Sexton family, Breffni Park Lane & Mary Ann Byrne
Mary Brady (nee O’Hanlon) [Month’s Mind], St Mary’s Tce., Creighan & Dublin
Sunday 7th 3pm
Divine Mercy Mass and Devotions
Monday 8th 10am
Special Intention
Special Intention
Tuesday 9th 10am
Special Intention
Wednesday 10th 10am
Patrick Mc Adam, Carrickfern & deceased of McAdam family
Shane O’Brien
Thursday 11th 10am
May & Samuel Donegan, Highfield Rd., daughters Maura & Kathleen, son in law David & baby Katelyn Henry
Friday 12th 10am
Mary & Nancy Brady & Colm Brown
Jacinta O’Reilly, Kilsallagh, Ballinagh
Saturday 13th 10am
Available for Intentions
Saturday 13th 7.30pm
Brigid & Billy Mc Cabe & daughter Sarah, St Aidan’s
Rosemary Malone. Athlone
Sunday 14th 8.30am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 14th 10am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 14th 11.30am
Peter Mc Ginnity, Drumalee
Paddy Dononhoe, Glenside Rd.
Mattie Mc Donagh, Drumalee
Tom & Nellie Gilroy, Cathedral Rd.
Mary McGee, Milford, Co Donegal
Sunday 7th 10.45am
Niall Crowe, Edermine
Monday 8th 7.30pm
Patrick Rabitte, Loughduff
Gerard Mc Donagh, Townspark [Month’s Mind]
Tuesday 9th 7.30pm
Mary Lee, Harry Brady & daughter Kelly Brady
Sunday 14th 10.45am
Johnny Cronin [Month’s Mind]
Sunday 7th 9.30am
Paul Myles, Stragelliffe
Nuala Sharkey, Drumnavanagh
Dympna & Jimmy Cusack, Shankill
Friday 12th 7.30pm
Jimmy & Josephine Mc Entee, Drumnavanagh
Sunday 14th 9.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 7th 10.30am
Phil Smyth, Rock Cross
Eugene, Annie & Sean Leddy, Stroane, Butlersbridge,
Mai Sheridan & Vera O’Reilly (nee Leddy)
Cissie, Jimmy & Margaret Murphy, Egramush
Brian & Mary Johnston, Cullies
Wednesday 10th 7.30pm
Mass in honour of St Peregrine
Friday 12th 7.30pm
Patrick King, Drumalee
Sunday 14th 10.30am
Vincent, Vincent Snr. & Mary Kate Bartley, Annagh, Butlersbridge & Vera Cosgrove
Peter & Pauline Hayden, Cullies
We remember in our prayers
SALLY MC KENNA, Harmony Heights & Mullagh
HUGHIE PACKENHAM, Butlersbridge & Drung
JIMMY FAY, Stradone
FR BERNARD (BERNEY) SHAUGHNESSY, Coolarne & late of Tuam, Co Galway brother of Ger, Drumnavanagh
& all who died recently
Easter Week, 2024
Eucharistic Adoration St. Clare's Chapel Arrangements for Holy Week
Eucharistic Adoration will recommence following 10.45am mass on Easter Sunday.
BENEDICTION in St Clare’s Chapel next Sunday 7th April at 7pm.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Acts 4:32-35
2nd Reading: Jn 5:1-6
Psalm 117
Gospel: Jn 20:19-31
CONFESSIONS: Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish
Booking essential at 049 4331404.
Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Mila Sousa de Paula,
Jake O’Connor,
Dáire Mc Donald
& all who were baptised recently.
KILLYGARRY APOSTOLIC SOCIETY are holding their Easter Cake Sale and wreaths after 9.30am Mass on Easter Sunday.
All proceeds go to the Missions.
Your support will be appreciated.
Mass in honour of St Peregrine will be on Wednesday 10th April in St Aidan’s Church, Butlersbridge at 7.30pm.
THE FIRST FRIDAY VIGIL OF REPARATION in St. Clare's Adoration Chapel, Friday 5th April, 6pm to 10pm.
You are invited to attend for even some of it.
DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS will take place in St Patrick’s Church, Milltown on Divine Mercy Sunday 7th April at 7pm.
Fr Thomas Small and Deacon Jordan Mac Gabhann will officiate.
Milltown church is home to the famous Robinson masterpiece of the Divine Mercy.
It is proposed that the devotions will take place on the first Sunday of every month at 7pm, except July, August, September and January.
An Evening Recital
Sue Donohoe (Piano) and Fr. Darragh Connolly (Tenor) present an evening of song and piano music - classical and opera - on Sunday 14th April at 6pm in Ramor Arts Centre, Virginia. Tickets available at ramortheatre.ticketsolve.com
Pilgrimage to Medugorje
with Fr Peter Okpetu, Spiritual Director.
22nd – 29th May 2024.
Accommodation near St James Church.
€775 if deposit paid by 2nd February, after that €825.
A bus will leave Cavan town for the airport.
Contact Margaret Blessington 086 3850861
2024 Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
31st May for 5 nights ex Knock, 30th May for 7 nights ex Dublin. From €929 per person sharing.
Enquiries to Cavan Travel 049 4361222.
Apply to Fr Thomas Mannion 071 9643014 or
087 9170879 for Assisted Pilgrims.
4 nights €829 per person. Spiritual Director Fr Sean Jones.
For information please contact JWT 01 2410800 or Michael O’Connor 087 26776566
POSITIVE AGE: TRIP to KNOCK on Thursday 11th
April. Bus leaves Castlemanor Community Centre at 9am.
Cost €30 per person. To book: 049 4380725
Ballybay Charismatic Prayer Group are hosting the ‘Life in the Spirit’ seminars. These seminars will run for seven weeks starting on Thursday 4th April at 7.30pm in The Fitzgerald Centre, Cuan Mhuire, Ballybay A75 RX68. Everyone is welcome. Please come and encounter the Holy Spirit.
AL ANON Is your home unhappy because someone drinks too much? Hope for family & Friends – come to our meeting in the Pastoral Centre, St Patrick’s College, Cavan every Friday at 10.30am
After 10am Mass on Friday mornings.
Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays.
Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays.
Cards & Candles for First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Baptism. Mass Cards for all occasions.
Rosary Beads, Prayer Books, Religious Gifts
Mass Intentions:
Saturday 30th Easter Vigil 9pm
People of the Parish
Sunday 31st 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 24th 10am
People of the Parish
Sunday 24th 11.30am
People of the Parish
Monday 1st APRIL 10am
Frank O’Keeffe, St Phelim’s Place & grandson Frank Hiller, Germany
Jimmy Smith, Drumbo, Lisboduff, Cootehill
Tuesday 2nd 10am
Cathedral Donors
Special Intention
Wednesday 3rd 10am
Special Intention
Nancy & Paddy Lee & deceased family members, Fairview
Thursday 4th 10am
Edward & Maud Bonney, St Phelim’s Place
Bill Meagher, Dublin
Friday 5th 10am
Michael & Sarah Smith, St Phelim’s Place
Special Intention
Saturday 6th 10am
Maisie & Michael Sheridan, Moynehall
Special Intention
Saturday 6th Vigil 7.30pm
Tommy & Eilish Donohoe, Dublin Rd.
Sunday 7th 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 7th 10am
Brian & Philomena Coleman, Farnham Rd.
Kathleen Comaskey, Drumalee [Month’s Mind]
Sunday 7th 11.30am
Bridie Kane, London & Lakeview
Martina & Darragh Bannigan, Swellan
Thomas Connolly (Snr), Drumelis
Vera Mc Mahon, Highfield Rd.
Jim & Maureen Scanlon, Townhall St., Kathleen Sexton & deceased of Sexton family, Breffni Park Lane & Mary Ann Byrne
Mary Brady (nee O’Hanlon) [Month’s Mind], St Mary’s Tce., Creighan & Dublin
Sunday 7th 1pm
Funeral Mass for Noel Teahan, Keadue, Cathedral Rd.
Sunday 31st 10.45am
People of the Parish
Monday 1st APRIL 7.30pm
Tuesday 2nd 7.30pm
Sunday 7th 10.45am
Niall Crowe, Edermine
Saturday 30th Easter Vigil 9pm
People of the Parish
Sunday 31st 9.30am
People of the Parish
Friday 5th APRIL 7.30pm
Sunday 7th 9.30am
Paul Myles, Stragelliffe
Nuala Sharkey, Drumnavanagh
Dympna & Jimmy Cusack, Shankill
Saturday 30th Easter Vigil 9pm
People of the Parish
Sunday 31st 10.30am
People of the Parish
Wednesday 3rd APRIL 7.30pm
Friday 5th 7.30pm
Sunday 7th 10.30am
Phil Smyth, Rock Cross
Eugene, Annie & Sean Leddy; Mai Sheridan & Vera O’Reilly (nee Leddy)
Cissie, Jimmy & Margaret Murphy, Egramush
Brian & Mary Johnston, Cullies
We remember in our prayers
NOEL TEAHAN, Keadue, Cathedral Rd.
BERNIE HANLY, Drumkeerin, mother of Michael, Landsdowne Manor
PAUL LYONS, Lucan & Billis, son of Frank & Breege Lyons
JOSIE DONOHOE, Ballyconnell, mother of Fr Kevin Donohoe
& all who died recently
Palm Sunday & Holy Week, 2024
Eucharistic Adoration St. Clare's Chapel Arrangements for Holy Week
Eucharistic Adoration will finish at 6pm on Holy Thursday and recommence following 10.45am Mass on Easter Sunday.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Acts 10:34, 37-43
2nd Reading: Col 3:1-4
Psalm 117
Gospel: Jn 20:1-9
Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3.30pm
Baptisms in our Parish
Booking essential at 049 4331404.
Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Rían Corrigan, Rhea Jenkins, Sam Quinn,
Tadhg Flynn, Ayda Flynn
& all who were baptised recently.
Confirmation 2024
We congratulate the children from Corlurgan NS,
Crubany NS, Farnham NS & St Felim’s NS who received
the sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday 23rd March.
After 10am Mass on Friday mornings.
Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays.
Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays.
Now in stock:
Cards & Candles for First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Baptism. Mass Cards for all occasions.
Rosary Beads, Prayer Books, Religious Gifts
Pilgrimage to Medugorje
with Fr Peter Okpetu, Spiritual Director.
22nd – 29th May 2024.
Accommodation near St James Church.
€775 if deposit paid by 2nd February, after that €825.
A bus will leave Cavan town for the airport.
Contact Margaret Blessington 086 3850861
2024 Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
31st May for 5 nights ex Knock, 30th May for 7 nights ex Dublin. From €929 per person sharing.
Enquiries to Cavan Travel 049 4361222.
Apply to Fr Thomas Mannion 071 9643014 or
087 9170879 for Assisted Pilgrims.
POSITIVE AGE Trip to Knock on Thursday 11th
April. Bus leaves Castlemanor Community Centre at
Cost €30 per person. To book: 049 4380725
KILLYGARRY APOSTOLIC SOCIETY are holding their Easter Cake Sale and wreaths after 9.30am Mass on Easter Sunday.
All proceeds go to the Missions.
Your support will be appreciated.
Coffee Morning & Cake Sale in The Kesh on Saturday 30th March at 10.30am in aid of Killygarry Ladies Gaelic Football.
Ballybay Charismatic Prayer Group are hosting the ‘Life in the Spirit’ seminars. These seminars will run for seven weeks starting on Thursday 4th April at 7.30pm in The Fitzgerald Centre, Cuan Mhuire, Ballybay A75 RX68. Everyone is welcome. Please come and encounter the Holy Spirit.
The staff at Sullivan Centre, Cavan are organizing a
5K Memorial Walk in memory of Stephen Brennan on
Saturday 6th April at 2pm in Sullivan Centre. Registration Fee €20. All money raised will be donated to Irish Cancer Society. Theme: Yellow clothes.
Contact Maya Mathew 087 3805863.
PRO LIFE TRUST Church Gate Collection this weekend, 23rd & 24th March.
Are you out of work due to illness, disability or a personal setback?
ICT Skills is a Level 4 programme designed to support people to re-train and re-enter the workforce.
For more information phone 087-2274787.
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral - Tuesday 26th March
10.30am -11am 1.30pm – 2.15pm 4.30pm – 6.30pm
CHRISM MASS: Cathedral
Wednesday 27th March 7.30pm
Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30pm in Cathedral, Butlersbridge & Killygarry followed by Adoration
GOOD FRIDAY The Lord’s Passion
Cathedral 3pm
Butlersbridge & Killygarry 5pm
EASTER VIGIL Saturday 30th March
Mass in Cathedral, Butlersbridge & Killygarry at 9pm
Cathedral 8.30am, 10am, 11.30am
St Clare’s 10.45am
Butlersbridge 10.30am
Killygarry 9.30am
Mass Intentions:
Saturday 23rd 7.30pm
John & Nora Mc Donagh & deceased of family, Tyrone
John & Bridget O’Reilly, Golf Links Rd., son Patrick & grandson Sean
Special Intention
Josie Greenan, Billis
Pat Lee, Cullies
Sunday 24th 8.30am
Margaret Galligan, Farnham
Sunday 24th 10am
People of the Parish
Sunday 24th 11.30am
Kathleen Greenan, Cavan
Richard & Margaret Cassidy, Highfield Rd. & Edward Mc Mahon
John Joe, Thomas & Teresa Mc Kiernan & deceased of family, Ardlogher, Cloone
Noel Egan, Highfield Rd.
Deceased of Boyle family, Cullies & Molly Kiernan, Owen Roe Tce.
Monday 25th 10am
Special Intention
Holy Souls
Tuesday 26th 10am
Teresa & Benny Connolly, Carrickmacross
Special Intention
Wednesday 27th 10am
Thomas, Katie & Dodie Reilly
Wednesday 27th 7.30pm
Chrism Mass
Thursday 28th 7.30pm
Mass of the Last Supper
Friday 29th 3pm
The Lord’s Passion
Saturday 30th Easter Vigil 9pm
People of the Parish
Sunday 31st 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 31st 10am
People of the Parish
Sunday 31st 11.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 24th 10.45am
Maura Finn, Military Row
Eugene Brady, Drumalee [Month’s Mind]
Joe Goggins, Aughaloughin Ballyjamesduff [Month’s Mind]
Monday 25th 7.30am
Available for Intention
Tuesday 26th 7.30am
Available for Intention
Wednesday 27th 7.30am
Special Intention
Sunday 31st 10.45am
People of the Parish
Sunday 24th 9.30 am
Jimmy Hyland, Pullamore
Anna & Bernard Cafferty, St Phelim’s Place
Tuesday 26th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Thursday 28th 7.30pm
Mass of the Last Supper
Friday 29th 5pm
The Lord’s Passion
Saturday 30th Easter Vigil 9pm
People of the Parish
Sunday 31st 9.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 24th 10.30am
Paddy Gilmartin, Drumlark & grandson Gerard Clarke
Kitty, Michael, Annette & Mary Dolan, Butlersbridge
Oliver Creegan, Carrickane
Monday 25th 7.30pm
Private Intention
Wednesday 27th 7.30pm
Josie & Aideen Coyle, Highfield Rd. & deceased of McCaffrey family
Peadar & Rose Leddy, Drumsilla & daughter in law Rosanna
Thursday 28th 7.30pm
Mass of the Last Supper
Friday 29th 5pm
The Lord’s Passion
Saturday 30th Easter Vigil 9pm
People of the Parish
Sunday 31st 10.30am
People of the Parish
17th March 2024, St. Patrick's Day
Eucharistic Adoration in St Clare’s Chapel
11am to 7pm daily.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Is 50:4-7
2nd Reading: Phil 2:6-11
Psalm 21
Gospel: Mk 14:1-15:47
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral:
Saturday 23rd March 4.45pm – 5.30pm
Baptisms in our Parish
Booking essential at 049 4331404.
Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Areti Kokkinis, Indie Donegan
& all who were baptised recently.
After 10am Mass on Friday mornings.
Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays.
Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays.
Now in stock:
Cards & Candles for First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Baptism. Mass Cards for all occasions.
Rosary Beads, Prayer Books, Religious Gifts
St Patrick’s Day Collection
“Some give by going, others go by giving”
Your generosity to the St Patrick’s Day Collection will help….
St Paul’s Missionary Society, a number of whom work in our diocese
Support Irish missionaries working in African countries
Provide support to the Irish Emigrant Chaplaincy abroad
Lenten Healing Service with Fr Peter Okpetu MSP will take place in the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cavan on Thursday March 21st. Confessions from 6 30pm, Rosary 6pm, Holy Mass 7.30pm concluding with Benediction. Fr Peter will pray with everyone individually. All welcome.
POSITIVE AGE: Trip to Knock on Thursday 11th April.
Bus leaves Castlemanor Community Centre at 9am.
Cost €30 per person. To book: 049 4380725
Pilgrimage to Medugorje with Fr Peter Okpetu, Spiritual Director.
22nd – 29th May 2024.
Accommodation near St James' Church.
€775 if deposit paid by 2nd February, after that €825.
A bus will leave Cavan town for the airport.
Contact Margaret Blessington 086 3850861​
2024 Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
31st May for 5 nights ex Knock, 30th May for 7 nights ex Dublin. From €929 per person sharing.
Enquiries to Cavan Travel 049 4361222.
Apply to Fr Thomas Mannion 071 9643014 or
087 9170879 for Assisted Pilgrims.
What is a Dementia inclusive Community? A Dementia inclusive Community is one in which people living with Dementia and their families fully participate in society and is one in which the people in the community are aware of and understand Dementia. You are invited to join us and help make a difference.
Venue: Townhall Arts Centre, Townhall St. Cavan
Date : Wednesday 20th of March Time : 7.30pm
New Daycare social group for older/isolated members of the community open at The Sullivan Day Care Centre in Cavan town. H12 CF53. Monday and Tuesday, 10-3. Referral by public health nurse.
Contact cavandaycare@gmail.com for more information.
The staff at Sullivan Centre, Cavan are organizing a
5K Memorial Walk in memory of Stephen Brennan on
Saturday 6th April at 2pm in Sullivan Centre. Registration Fee €20. All money raised will be donated to Irish Cancer Society. Theme: Yellow clothes.
Contact Maya Mathew 087 3805863.
It’s that time of year when I am looking for volunteers for Daffodil Day which is on Friday March 22nd. If you can spare a couple of hours please message or phone with your name, number and if you have a preference to (am) (pm) or (flexi). I will do my best to honour your requests. Perhaps you may even want to run a coffee morning or other event at your place of work for Daffodil Day.
Let’s go all in against cancer and turn Cavan yellow this Daffodil Day.
Please contact Martina Lee Boyle on 086 3782928.
Many thanks for your support. Martina
Daffodil Day Coffee Morning after 10am Mass on Friday 22nd March in the Conference Room (back of Cathedral).
Please support this worthy cause.
Coffee Morning in support of Daffodil Day on Saturday 23rd March 10am – 1pm in Butlersbridge Community Hall. You are all invited to drop in for a cup of Tea/Coffee, a bun and a chat. All monies raised will go to the Irish Cancer Society.
Choose Life Cavan branch have commissioned an online poll on the Cavan News Facebook page.
Do you agree with the introduction of abortion services in Cavan General Hospital. Yes/No?
Please show your support for the unborn by voting No.
To date over 30,000 innocent babies (more than the population of Leitrim) have had their young lives cruelly terminated by the HSE.
So your prolife support is essential
PRO LIFE TRUST Church Gate Collection next weekend, 23rd & 24th March.
RSA ‘Check it Fits’ Service – Child Safety in Cars – at Toymaster Cavan, Unit 3 Lakelands Retail Park, Dublin Rd., Cavan on Wednesday 20th March 10am – 5.30pm
Breifne Historical Society will host a lecture by Dr Elaine Farrell “Bad Bridget: crime, mayhem and lives of Irish emigrant women” on Thursday March 21 in Cavan Library at 7pm
Mass Intentions:
Saturday 16th 7.30pm
Felix Gormley Jnr, Drumnavanagh & deceased of Gormley family
John Lennon, Earlsvale Rd.
Sunday 17th 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 17th 10am
Gertrude & Billy Mc Caffrey
Sunday 17th 11.30am
Paddy & Mary McManus, Farnham Rd.
Monday 18th 10am
Tom Sullivan & deceased family members, Church St.
Christopher Deegan, O’Raghallaigh Park
Monday 18th 12 noon
Peter Maughan [Month’s Mind]
Tuesday 19th 10am
Special Intention
Wednesday 20th 10am
Special Intention
Thursday 21st 10am
Tommy & Jan Mc Cormick, Elmbank
Friday 22nd 10am
Special Intention
Saturday 23rd 10am
Kathleen & Barney Lynch, Crubany
Patrick & Catherine Brady, Crubany & deceased family members
Saturday 23rd 7.30pm
John & Nora McDonagh & deceased of family, Tyrone
John & Bridget O’Reilly, Golf Links Rd., son Patrick & grandson Sean
Special Intention
Josie Greenan, Billis
Pat Lee, Cullies
Sunday 24th 8.30am
Margaret Galligan, Farnham
Sunday 24th 10am
People of the Parish
Sunday 24th 11.30am
Kathleen Greenan, Cavan
Richard & Margaret Cassidy, Highfield Rd. & Edward Mc Mahon
John Joe, Thomas & Teresa Mc Kiernan & deceased of family, Ardlogher, Cloone
Noel Egan, Highfield Rd.
Sunday 17th 10.45am
No Intentions
Monday 18th 7.30am
NO MASS (Bank Holiday)
Tuesday 19th 7.30am
Available for Intention
Wednesday 20th 7.30am
Special Intention
Thursday 21st 7.30am
Kitty Martin, Church St.
Friday 22nd 7.30am
Available for Intention
Sunday 24th 10.45am
Maura Finn, Military Row
Eugene Brady, Drumalee [Month’s Mind]
Joe Goggins, Aughaloughin Ballyjamesduff [Month’s Mind]
Sunday 17th 9.30 am
Peter & Philomena Connolly, Annagelliff
Carmel Nulty, Farnham; John Nulty, Tierquin & Mary Nulty, Drumbarry
Marion, Bartley & Susan Smith, Ard na Greine
Thomas & Eileen Duffy, Broughderg, Poles
Tuesday 19th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Friday 22nd 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Sunday 24th 9.30am
Jimmy Hyland, Pullamore
Anna & Bernard Cafferty, St Phelim’s Place
Sunday 17th 10.30am
John & Jean McDonald, Derrygoss
Monday 18th 7.30pm
NO MASS (Bank Holiday)
Wednesday 20th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Friday 22nd 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Sunday 24th 10.30am
Paddy Gilmartin, Drumlark & grandson Gerard Clarke
Kitty, Michael, Annette & Mary Dolan, Butlersbridge
Oliver Creegan, Carrickane
We remember in our prayers
SR PHILOMENA LYNCH, Holy Rosary Convent
SEAN DONOHOE, Drumhillagh, Poles
TOMMY BRADY, Drumcrow, Ballinagh brother of Sean, Rahulton
JAMES (JIMMY) ROONEY, Smithborough, late of Drumgola
SUSAN BRADY, Derryniggin, Farnham
& all who died recently
10th March, 2024
"The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother." ~ St. Therese of Lisieux
Eucharistic Adoration in St Clare’s Chapel
Eucharistic Adoration 11am to 7pm daily.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Jer 31:31-34
2nd Reading: Heb 5:7-9
Psalm 50
Gospel: Jn 12:20-30
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish. Booking essential at
049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Cecelia Reynolds, Lilyanna Cronin
& all who were baptised recently.
Tuesday 12 March 2024 will mark the 150th Anniversary of the opening of the iconic building which served as the original Saint Patrick’s College in Cavan and is now the base for the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre. Bishop Martin Hayes will be the principal celebrant of a special Mass in the Cathedral of Saint Patrick & Saint Felim, Cavan to commemorate this milestone anniversary on Saturday 16 March 2024 at 11:00a.m. The Mass will be broadcasted and may be accessed at www.churchservices.tv/cavancathedral . Following Mass, there will be commemorative events in the original College building including a short talk by Monsignor Liam Kelly, followed by refreshments in the new College Canteen. Past students of the College are especially welcome to attend.
Choose Life Cavan branch will hold a Prolife Display on Saturday 16 March from 12 to 2pm at the Cavan Post Office. We ask all prolife supporters to please come along and sign our petition to keep Cavan hospital abortion free. You can also email your support to Chooselifecavan2023@gmail.com or text 086 2557643
New Daycare social group for older/isolated members of the community open at The Sullivan Day Care Centre in Cavan town. H12 CF53. Monday and Tuesday, 10-3. Referral by public health nurse.
Contact cavandaycare@gmail.com for more information.
Breifne Historical Society will host a lecture by Dr Elaine Farrell “Bad Bridget: crime, mayhem and lives of Irish emigrant women” on Thursday March 21 in Cavan Library at 7pm
Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary (Killeshandra Nuns) Centenary Celebrations
Mass in St Brigid’s Church, Killeshandra this Sunday 10th March at 3pm.
To commemorate the Centenary of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary a special Mass will be said in the Cathedral of Ss Patrick & Felim, Cavan on 3rd August 2024 at 11am.
POSITIVE AGE: Trip to Knock on Thursday 11th April.
Bus leaves Castlemanor Community Centre at 9am.
Cost €30 per person. To book: 049 4380725
2024 Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
31st May for 5 nights ex Knock, 30th May for 7 nights ex Dublin. From €929 per person sharing.
Enquiries to Cavan Travel 049 4361222.
Apply to Fr Thomas Mannion 071 9643014 or
087 9170879 for Assisted Pilgrims.
St Patrick’s Day Collection
“Some give by going, others go by giving”
Your generosity to the St Patrick’s Day Collection will help….
St Paul’s Missionary Society, a number of whom work in our diocese
Support Irish missionaries working in African countries
Provide support to the Irish Emigrant Chaplaincy abroad
Coffee & Cake Fundraiser in aid of Ronald McDonald House and Cavan/Monaghan Palliative Care Fund in the Orchard Bar, Drumalee on 14th March, 10am – 2pm and
4pm – 7pm. Voluntary donation. You can also support this event by donating on https://gofund.me/f81a72c3
Do you have an hour to give as a volunteer to Breffni Blues Special Olympics Club?
Please contact Mary 087 7439867
The staff at Sullivan Centre, Cavan are organizing a
5K Memorial Walk in memory of Stephen Brennan on
Saturday 6th April at 2pm in Sullivan Centre. Registration Fee €20.
All money raised will be donated to Irish Cancer Society.
Theme: Yellow clothes.
Contact Maya Mathew 087 3805863.
It’s that time of year when I am looking for volunteers for Daffodil Day which is on Friday March 22nd. If you can spare a couple of hours please message or phone with your name, number and if you have a preference to (am) (pm) or (flexi). I will do my best to honour your requests. Perhaps you may even want to run a coffee morning or other event at your place of work for Daffodil Day.
Let’s go all in against cancer and turn Cavan yellow this Daffodil Day. Please contact Martina Lee Boyle on
086 3782928. Many thanks for your support. Martina
Mass Intentions:
Saturday 9th 7.30pm
Thomas Caslin, Latt
Mary Geary, Ballymacenroe
Brendan Coulter, Creighan; John & Catherine Coulter & deceased of Coulter family
John McCaffrey, Swellan & deceased of McCaffrey family
Eamon Brady, Drumalee & Eamon Brady Jnr, Glenageary
Sunday 10th 8.30am
Private Intention
Sunday 10th 10am
Breege, John, Michael & Mary Collins, Corohoe
Gerard Reilly, Crubany
Sunday 10th 11.30am
Edward Kelly, Stragelliffe
Breege & Dominic Tully, Drumcrave & deceased of Tully & Hand families
Bill & Kay Henry, Cootehill Rd.
Patsy Mc Connell, Ashe St.
Monday 11th 10am
Special Intention
Deceased members of Connaughton family
Tuesday 12th 10am
Edward & Rose Reilly, College St & deceased of family
Ellen & Edward Sexton & deceased of Smith & Sexton families
Wednesday 13th 10am
Special Intention
Thursday 14th 10am
Tom & Cathy Brady
Friday 15th 10am
Deceased of Conaty family
Saturday 16th 10am
Maureen Carty, Jubilee Tce.
Saturday 16th 7.30pm
Felix Gormley Jnr, Drumnavanagh & deceased of Gormley family
John Lennon, Earlsvale Rd.
Sunday 17th 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 17th 10am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 17th 11.30am
Paddy & Mary McManus, Farnham Rd.
Sunday 10th 10.45am
Catherine Loughnane, Loughview, [Month’s Mind]
Monday 11th 7.30am
Available for Intention
Tuesday 12th 7.30am
Available for Intention
Wednesday 13th 7.30am
Special Intention
Thursday 14th 7.30am
Available for Intention
Friday 15th 7.30am
Available for Intention
Sunday 17th 10.45am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 10th 9.30 am
People of the Parish
Tuesday 12th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Friday 15th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Sunday 17th 9.30am
Peter & Philomena Connolly, Annagelliff
Carmel Nulty, Farnham; John Nulty, Tierquin & Mary Nulty, Drumbarry
Marion, Bartley & Susan Smith, Ard na Greine
Thomas & Eileen Duffy, Broughderg, Poles
Sunday 10th 10.30am
Private Intention
Monday 11th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Wednesday 13th 7.30pm
Eileen & Jimmy Greenan, Ballyhaise & Lizzie Condell
Noel & Betty Mc Govern & deceased of Mc Govern &
Mc Avinue families
Friday 15th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Sunday 17th 10.30am
John & Jean McDonald, Derrygoss
We remember in our prayers
BERNADETTE O’KEEFE nee Shannon, Cork & late of Clonegonnell
JOHNNY CRONIN, Cathedral View
DEREK LOUGHLIN, Ardkill Place, Ballinagh & Cavan
GERARDA (ARDA) MEALIA, Shankill, Dublin & late of Cavan
& all who died recently.
3rd March, 2024
Eucharistic Adoration in St Clare’s Chapel
11am to 7pm daily.
BENEDICTION in St Clare’s Chapel this Sunday 3rd March at 7pm.
We are dedicating an hour of Adoration in St Clare’s Chapel on Thursday 7th March from 5pm - 6pm in thanksgiving and protection for the family and mothers before the upcoming Referenda.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading:2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23
2nd Reading: Eph 2:4-10
Psalm 136
Gospel: Jn 3:14-21
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish Booking essential at
049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Maggie Mai Moore, Leah Furey, Clara Smith
& all who were baptised recently.
After 10am Mass on Friday mornings.
Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays.
Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays.
Now in stock:
Candles for St Patrick’s Day, Mass Cards for all occasions,
Rosary Beads, Prayer Books, Religious Gifts
Tuesday 12 March 2024 will mark the 150th Anniversary of the opening of the iconic building which served as the original Saint Patrick’s College in Cavan and is now the base for the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre. Bishop Martin Hayes will be the principal celebrant of a special Mass in the Cathedral of Saint Patrick & Saint Felim, Cavan to commemorate this milestone anniversary on Saturday 16 March 2024 at 11:00a.m. The Mass will be broadcast live and may be accessed at www.churchservices.tv/cavancathedral . Following Mass, there will be commemorative events in the original College building including a short talk by Monsignor Liam Kelly, followed by refreshments in the new College Canteen. Past students of the College are especially welcome to attend.
St Peregrine Mass for the sick will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 6th March in St Aidan’s Church, Butlersbridge
St Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer patients.
Anointing with St Peregrine oil will be offered at the Mass.
Ever wondered about the reasons behind our actions during Mass? Curious about the true significance of it all and the origins of the Mass itself? Have you ever heard someone say, "I'm not getting much from Mass"? Maybe the real question is, "What am I contributing to Mass? Am I genuinely involved, or just an observer?"
You are warmly invited to join Bishop Martin and members of the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Development Team on a unique three-week online series to explore these questions and more with videos explaining the different parts of the Mass, interactive discussions, personal stories, and an opportunity to ask questions. The sessions are continuing on Wednesday evenings: Wednesday 6th and 13th March at 7.30pm. Each session lasts an hour and a half. Everyone is most welcome!
To register, please send your name and email address to pastoralcentre@kilmorediocese.ie
Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary (Killeshandra Nuns) Centenary Celebrations
To commemorate the arrival of the Holy Rosary Sisters to Drumully House, Killeshandra on 7th March 1924, a Special Mass will be celebrated in St. Brigid’s Church Killeshandra @ 3.00pm on Sunday 10th March 2024. Chief celebrant will be Bishop Martin Hayes. Refreshments and entertainment in Scoil Bhríde. Everyone welcome to come and join the Sisters for this joyous occasion.
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference has issued a statement on the Family and Care referendums.
A copy of this statement is available at the door. Please take one home with you.
Pilgrimage to Medugorje with Fr Peter Okpetu, Spiritual Director.
22nd – 29th May 2024.
Accommodation near St James Church.
€775 if deposit paid by 2nd February, after that €825.
A bus will leave Cavan town for the airport.
Contact Margaret Blessington 086 3850861
2024 Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
31st May for 5 nights ex Knock, 30th May for 7 nights ex Dublin. From €929 per person sharing. Enquiries to Cavan Travel 049 4361222.
Apply to Fr Thomas Mannion 071 9643014 or
087 9170879 for Assisted Pilgrims.
Mass Intentions
Saturday 2nd March 7.30pm
Anthony Brady, Reaske
Kevin & Brendan Kelly, Killymooney Drive
Sunday 3rd 8.30am
No Intentions
Sunday 3rd 10am
Paddy Mongan, London
Sunday 3rd 11.30am
Rosaleen Smith, Fairview
Maureen Connolly, Pine View, Drumelis
Joe & Mary Masterson, Drumbar, Farnham
Kian Brady, Cullies [Month’s Mind]
Dr Patrick Faulkner, Farnham St.
Ciara Lynch Ellis, Swellan
Ann, Josephine & Vincent Reilly, Kilcogy Lr.
Monday 4th 10am
Available for Intentions
Tuesday 5th 10am
Cathedral Donors
Wednesday 6th 10am
Special Intention
Thursday 7th 10am
Available for Intentions
Friday 8th 10am
Rosaleen, Bridget & Patrick Smith
Saturday 9th 10am
Edward & Anne Browne
Saturday 9th 7.30pm
Thomas Caslin, Latt
Mary Geary, Ballymacenroe
Brendan Coulter, Creighan; John & Catherine Coulter & deceased of Coulter family
Sunday 10th 8.30am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 10th 10am
Breege, John, Michael& Mary Collins, Corohoe
Gerard Reilly, Crubany
Sunday 10th 11.30am
Edward Kelly, Stragelliffe
Breege & Dominic Tully, DRumcrave & deceased of Tully & Hand families
Bill & Kay Henry, Cootehill Rd.
Patsy Mc Connell, Ashe St.
ST. Clare’s Chapel
Sunday 3rd March 10.45am
Available for Intentions
Monday 4th 7.30am
Special Intention
Tuesday 5th 7.30am
Noel Fox, Michael & Maureen Lynch
Wednesday 6th 7.30am
Available for Intention
Thursday 7th 7.30am
Available for Intention
Friday 8th 7.30am
Hughie Cosgrove & deceased family members
Sunday 10th 10.45am
Catherine Loughnane, Loughview, Dublin Rd. [Month’s Mind]
Sunday 3rd March 9.30 am
John Smith, Crubany
Angela Moynagh, Bruskey
Tuesday 5th 7.30pm
People of the Parish
Friday 8th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Sunday 10th 9.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 3rd March 10.30am
No Intentions
Monday 4th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Wednesday 6th 7.30pm
Mass in honour of St Peregrine
Tommy & Josie Connolly, Elizabeth Sheilds
Friday 8th 7.30pm
Ann Good nee Mc Gerty, Butlersbridge
John Connolly, Daggan
Sunday 10th 10.30am
Available for Intentions
We remember in our prayers
EUGENE BRADY, Cootehill Rd.
PHILIP COONEY, Bailieborough brother of Paul, Crubany
MARY BRADY nee O’HANLON, St Mary’s Tce., Creighan & Dublin
& all who died recently
Cavan Social Services activities in Day Centre, Cathedral Rd.-
Wednesday Exercise & Line Dancing 10.30am – 12noon
Knitting 3pm -5pm
Join us for a cuppa and a chat.
Thursday Whist 8.30pm
New members always welcome.
Coffee & Cake Fundraiser in aid of Ronald McDonald House and Cavan/Monaghan Palliative Care Fund in the Orchard Bar, Drumalee on 14th March, 10am – 2pm and 4pm – 7pm. Voluntary donation. You can also support this event by donating on https://gofund.me/f81a72c3
Cavan Drama Festival this week nightly at 8pm in Townhall, Cavan, 7pm on Final night, Saturday 9th March.
Admission €15 nightly or season ticket €80. Booking at Box Office, 049 4380494 /www.townhallcavan.com
The Garden choir this Sunday 3rd March in the Sullivan Day Centre, Cathedral Rd, Cavan, 11 am -12noon. Please come & join us for a great sing along. Everyone is welcome but especially those with dementia & their family & friends.
Forget Me Not Café Wed. 6th March 11am – 12.30pm in Castlemanor Day Centre, Drumalee.
The Support Group meet this Thursday 7th March at 7.30pm in Breffni Integrated/CCLD, 6 Corlurgan Business Park, Ballinagh Rd., Cavan H12D86.
For further information contact Claire 0852562482 or Carole 0852669542
The staff at Sullivan Centre, Cavan are organizing a
5K Memorial Walk in memory of Stephen Brennan on
Saturday 6th April at 2pm in Sullivan Centre. Registration Fee €20. All money raised will be donated to Irish Cancer Society.
Theme: Yellow clothes.
Contact Maya Mathew 087 3805863.
25th February, 2024
Eucharistic Adoration in St Clare’s Chapel
11am to 7pm daily.
BENEDICTION in St Clare’s Chapel next Sunday 3rd March at 7pm.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Ex 20:1-17
2nd Reading: 1 Cor 1:22-25
Psalm 18
Gospel: Jn 2:13-25
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish Booking essential at
049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Evie Jermyn, Tomás Johnston, Faolán O’Reilly
& all who were baptised recently.
After 10am Mass on Friday mornings.
Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays.
Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays.
Now in stock:
Candles for St Patrick’s Day, Mass Cards for all occasions,
Rosary Beads, Prayer Books, Religious Gifts
Tuesday 12 March 2024 will mark the 150th Anniversary of the opening of the iconic building which served as the original Saint Patrick’s College, Cavan (up to its relocation to the new college building in 2012) and now houses the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre since 2005. Bishop Martin Hayes will be the principal celebrant of a special Mass to commemorate this milestone anniversary in the Cathedral of Saints Patrick & Felim, Cavan on Saturday 16 March 2024 at 11am Further details will be announced in due course.
Pilgrimage to Medugorje with Fr Peter Okpetu, Spiritual Director.
22nd – 29th May 2024. Accommodation near St James Church.
€775 if deposit paid by 2nd February, after that €825.
A bus will leave Cavan town for the airport.
Contact Margaret Blessington 086 3850861
World Day of Prayer will be held in the Cavan Day Centre at the Sullivan Centre, Cathedral Road on Friday March 1st at 8pm. This service has been written by the women of Palestine. All are welcome.
THE FIRST FRIDAY VIGIL OF REPARATION in St. Clare's Adoration Chapel, Friday 1st March, 6pm to 10pm. You are invited to attend for even some of it.
Millions Facing Starvation in Ethiopia
All are encouraged to please pray for the people of Tigray in Ethiopa, where drought and civil war have left many in crisis and in danger of starvation. Mary’s Meals feeds tens of thousands of children one meal in school each day in the region. If you feel called to support our mission, and to help us reach more children, please visit marysmeals.ie or contact 01 8535163.
Mary’s Meals is a simple idea that works. The charity provides hungry children with one daily meal in a place of education in areas where hunger and poverty often stand in the way of education. Mary’s Meals feeds more than 2.4million children in 18 countries. The average cost to feed a child with Mary’s Meals for a whole school year is just €22.
Mary’s Meals is a registered charity: 20061920 CHY16897.
Thank You.
Ever wondered about the reasons behind our actions during Mass? Curious about the true significance of it all and the origins of the Mass itself? Have you ever heard someone say, "I'm not getting much from Mass"? Maybe the real question is, "What am I contributing to Mass? Am I genuinely involved, or just an observer?"
You are warmly invited to join Bishop Martin and members of the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Development Team on a unique three-week online series to explore these questions and more with videos explaining the different parts of the Mass, interactive discussions, personal stories, and an opportunity to ask questions. The sessions will run on three Wednesday evenings: Wednesday 28th Feb, 6th and the 13th of March at 7.30pm. Each session will start at 7:30 pm. and last an hour and a half. Everyone is most welcome! To register, please send your name and email address to pastoralcentre@kilmorediocese.ie
KILMORE APOSTOLIC SOCIETY are holding their Annual Retreat on Saturday 3rd March 2024 in the Pastoral Centre, being given by Fr Pat Kelly SMA from 10.30am – 4.30pm. Cost €50 per person – lunch included. Please consider attending. Please contact 085 7450095 to book (before 28th February 2024)
Keep Cavan Hospital Abortion Free
Please support Prayer Vigil @ St Clare’s Chapel.
Saturday March 2nd from 7pm to 12 Midnight
Commencing with Holy Rosary (all mysteries).
People welcome to play sacred music & sing hymns.
Bible reading & silent prayer.
Light refreshments will be available upstairs.
Masses in our parish during Lent
Cathedral: Monday - Saturday 10am
St Clare’s: Monday – Friday 7.30am
Killygarry: Tuesday & Friday 7.30pm
Butlersbridge: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 7.30pm
Mass Intentions:
Saturday 24th 7.30pm
Hugh Smith, Swellan Lr.
Michael, Clare & Glennon Gumley & Ann Poulter
Tommie & Maureen Murray, Fairview; Patrick & Ellen Cosgrove, Emmet Place
John Mc Gowan & deceased family members
Joan Fitzpatrick, Clonervy, Poles
Terence O’Reilly, Marion Row, Ballinagh & Castlemanor [Month’s Mind]
Sunday 25th 8.30am
Dolly Brady, Farnham Rd.
Sunday 25th 10am
Special Intention
Sunday 25th 11.30am
Special Intention
Deceased members of Mannix & O’Dowd families
Pat, Madge & Brian Gaffney, Latt
Sophie Carty
Malachy Elliott, Tower Hamlet, Farnham St.
Monday 26th 10am
Available for Intentions
Tuesday 27th 10am
Deceased of O’Keeffe & Drumm families, Cavan
Wednesday 28th 10am
Paddy Mongan, London
Thursday 29th 10am
Eddie & Margaret Brady, Urney, Ballinagh
Special Intention
Friday 1st March 10am
Available for Intentions
Saturday 2nd 10am
Available for Intentions
Saturday 2nd 7.30pm
Anthony Brady, Reaske
Sunday 3rd 8.30am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 3rd 10am
Paddy Mongan, London
Sunday 3rd 11.30am
Rosaleen Smith, Fairview
Maureen Connolly, Pine View, Drumelis
Joe & Mary Masterson, Drumbar, Farnham
Dr Patrick Faulkner, Farnham St.
Ciara Lynch Ellis, Swellan
Ann, Josephine & Vincent Reilly, Kilcogy Lr.
Sunday 25th 10.45am
Turloch Smith, Belville, Ballinagh
Delia & Terry Murphy, Fairview & deceased of Murphy & Pryce families
Patricia & Paddy Martin, Church St.
Monday 26th 7.30am
Special Intention
Tuesday 27th 7.30am
Available for Intention
Wednesday 28th 7.30am
Special Intention
Thursday 29th 7.30am
Available for Intention
Friday 1st March 7.30am
Available for Intention
Sunday 3rd 10.45am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 25th 9.30 am
Patricia Maloney, Glassdrumman
Tuesday 27th 7.30pm
Austin Reilly, Pullamore
Special Intention
Friday 1st March 7.30pm
Peter Higgins, Drumalee
Sunday 3rd 9.30am
John Smith, Crubany
Sunday 25th 10.30am
People of the Parish
Monday 26th 7.30pm
Christie, John & Jim O’Rourke & deceased of O’Rourke family
Wednesday 28th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Friday 1st March 7.30pm
Edward O’Reilly
Sunday 3rd 10.30am
Available for Intentions
We remember in our prayers
JOE GOGGINS, Aughaloughin, Ballyjamesduff
PETER MAUGHAN, Irvinestown
& all who died recently
Arts & Crafts Class starting Friday 9th Feb for 6 weeks,
1pm -3pm, fee €7 weekly.
Walking Group, 11am – 12.30pm on Mondays
Dancing Classes at 1pm on Mondays, fee €5 weekly.
Refreshments served.
Contact 049 4380725 or 089 6007059
Cavan Social Services activities in Day Centre, Cathedral Rd.-
Wednesday Exercise & Line Dancing 10.30am – 12noon
Knitting 3pm -5pm
Join us for a cuppa and a chat.
Thursday Whist 8.30pm
New members always welcome.
Cavan Womens’ Shed meet every Thursday at 10.30am in Terry Coyle Park. Join us for talks by guest speakers, activities, a cuppa and a chat. New members very welcome.
The Garden choir takes place on Sunday 3rd of March in the Sullivan Day Centre, Cathedral Rd, Cavan. It commences at 11 am till 12 midday. Please come & join us for a great sing along. Everyone is welcome but especially those with dementia & their family & friends.
For further information contact Claire 0852562482 or Carole 0852669542
Cavan Institute Open Day on Thursday 29 Feb 2024 from 9.30am to 3.30pm.
Purse found in Cathedral last weekend. Please call to the Presbytery or phone 049 4331404.
18th February, 2024
Eucharistic Adoration in St Clare’s Chapel
11am to 7pm daily.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Gn 22:1-2, 9-13, 15-18
2nd Reading: Rm 8:31-34
Psalm 115
Gospel: Mk 9:2-10
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish Booking essential at
049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Diarmuid McGovern, Saoirse Morrison
& all who were baptised recently.
After 10am Mass on Friday mornings.
Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays.
Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays.
Now in stock:
Candles for St Patrick’s Day, Mass Cards for all occasions,
Rosary Beads, Prayer Books, Religious Gifts
Tuesday 12 March 2024 will mark the 150th Anniversary of the opening of the iconic building which served as the original Saint Patrick’s College, Cavan (up to its relocation to the new college building in 2012) and now houses the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre since 2005. Bishop Martin Hayes will be the principal celebrant of a special Mass to commemorate this milestone anniversary in the Cathedral of Saints Patrick & Felim, Cavan on Saturday 16 March 2024 at 11am Further details will be announced in due course.
Pilgrimage to Medugorje with Fr Peter Okpetu, Spiritual Director.
22nd – 29th May 2024. Accommodation near St James Church.
€775 if deposit paid by 2nd February, after that €825.
A bus will leave Cavan town for the airport.
Contact Margaret Blessington 086 3850861
Breifne Historical Society will host the Bishop McKiernan Memorial Lecture on Thursday February 22nd in Cavan Library at 7pm.
Dr Eileen Murphy (Belfast) will speak about "Children's burial grounds (Cillini) and the early modern religious landscape".
Free event, all welcome.
with Irish & Ukranian artists on Saturday, February 24th at 4.30pm in the Cathedral of Ss Patrick & Felim, Cavan. All are welcome.
BIBLE STUDY AND LECTIO DIVINA IN LENT - An introduction to the Gospel of St. John, followed by prayerful reading of Gospel passages (Lectio Divina), led by Bishop Emeritus Leo O’Reilly, continues each Thursday during Lent, from 7.30p.m. to 9.00p.m. The course, which takes place in the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cullies, Cavan H12 E5C7, will conclude on 21st March. All are welcome. A voluntary donation each night would be appreciated. For further information, please contact the Centre on 049 4375004.
Ever wondered about the reasons behind our actions during Mass? Curious about the true significance of it all and the origins of the Mass itself? Have you ever heard someone say, "I'm not getting much from Mass"? Maybe the real question is, "What am I contributing to Mass? Am I genuinely involved, or just an observer?"
You are warmly invited to join Bishop Martin and members of the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Development Team on a unique three-week online series to explore these questions and more with videos explaining the different parts of the Mass, interactive discussions, personal stories, and an opportunity to ask questions.
The sessions will run on three Tuesday evenings: February 27th, March 5th, and March 12th. Each session will start at 7:30 pm. and last an hour and a half. Everyone is most welcome! To register, please send your name and email address to pastoralcentre@kilmorediocese.ie
Keep Cavan Hospital Abortion Free
Please support Prayer Vigil @ St Clare’s Chapel.
Saturday March 2nd from 7pm to 12 Midnight
Commencing with Holy Rosary (all mysteries).
People welcome to play sacred music & sing hymns.
Bible reading & silent prayer.
Light refreshments will be available upstairs.
Cavan Women's Shed meet every Thursday at 10.30am in Terry Coyle Park. Join us for talks by guest speakers, activities, a cuppa and a chat. New members very welcome.
Cavan Institute Open Day on Thursday 29 Feb 2024 from 9.30am to 3.30pm. This is an ideal opportunity for prospective students to visit the institute and discuss the opportunities
available upon completion of a PLC/Traineeship course here in Cavan Institute.
Arts & Crafts Class starting Friday 9th Feb for 6 weeks,
1pm -3pm, fee €7 weekly.
Walking Group, 11am – 12.30pm on Mondays
Dancing Classes at 1pm on Mondays, fee €5 weekly.
Refreshments served.
Contact 049 4380725 or 089 6007059
Masses in our parish during Lent
Cathedral: Monday - Saturday 10am
St Clare’s: Monday – Friday 7.30am
Killygarry: Tuesday & Friday 7.30pm
Butlersbridge: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 7.30pm
Mass Intentions:
Saturday 17th 7.30pm
Pat Timoney, Earlsvale Rd. & deceased family members
Chalil Ulahannan
Raymond Shiels, Youghal, Cork
Sunday 18th 8.30am
Special Intention
Sunday 18th 10am
People of the Parish
Sunday 18th 11.30am
Evelyn Kelly, Brookside, Farnham Rd.
Des Scanlon, Corlurgan
Jimmy Coyle, College St.
Sean Leddy, Crimlin & deceased family members & Bridie Grealish
Michael Swords, Moynehall
Patrick Sheridan & deceased of Cronogue family
Monday 19th 10am
Terry Smith, Killycannon
Deceased members of Mulligan family
Tuesday 20th 10am
Lily Sexton, Swellan & deceased members of Sexton & Reilly families
Wednesday 21st 10am
Special Intention
Deceased members of Hunt family
Thursday 22nd 10am
Mary Glavey, Drumalee
Fr Pat Donohoe, Cavan
Friday 23rd 10am
Jan Maciejec, Poland
Saturday 24th 10am
Michael O’Reilly, Kilsallagh, Ballinagh
Saturday 24th 11am
Requiem Mass for Patrick Smith, O’Raghallaigh Park
Saturday 24th 7.30pm
Hugh Smith, Swellan Lr.
Michael, Clare & Glennon Gumley & Ann Poulter
Tommie & Maureen Murray, Fairview; Patrick & Ellen Cosgrove, Emmet Place
John Mc Gowan & deceased family members
Joan Fitzpatrick, Clonervy, Poles
Terence O’Reilly, Marion Row, Ballinagh & Castlemanor [Month’s Mind]
Sunday 25th 8.30am
Dolly Brady, Farnham Rd.
Sunday 25th 10am
Special Intention
Sunday 25th 11.30am
Special Intention
Deceased members of Mannix & O’Dowd families
Pat, Madge & Brian Gaffney, Latt
Sophie Carty
Malachy Elliott, Tower Hamlet, Farnham St.
Sunday 18th 10.45am
Michael & Alice Donohoe, sons Peter & Thomas, Ballinagh
Monday 19th 7.30am
Patrick & Katie Kiernan & deceased family members, Denn; Molly Mc Cabe & deceased of Mc Cabe family, Drumcrow
Tuesday 20th 7.30am
Available for Intention
Wednesday 21st 7.30am
Available for Intention
Thursday 22nd 7.30am
Available for Intention
Friday 23rd 7.30am
Available for Intention
Sunday 25th 10.45am
Turloch Smith, Belville, Ballinagh
Delia & Terry Murphy, Fairview & deceased of Murphy & Pryce families
Patricia & Paddy Martin, Church St.
Sunday 18th 9.30 am
No Intentions
Tuesday 20th 7.30pm
Rahill family, late of Alacken
Friday 23rd 7.30pm
Gerry Smith, Alacken
Kitty, Michael, Tony, Micheál Smith. Mick & Maura Lee, & deceased family members, Pullamore
Sunday 25th 9.30am
Patricia Maloney, Glassdrumman
Sunday 18th 10.30am
Gerard & Charles Mundy, Butlersbridge
Joe & Mary Brady, Ballymacenroe
Monday 19th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Wednesday 21st 7.30pm
PJ & Mary E (Mai) Cosgrove & deceased family members, Butlersbridge
Friday 23rd 7.30pm
Christopher Conway & deceased of Conway & Collins families
81st Anniversary of all who died in St Joseph’s Orphanage Fire
Sunday 25th 10.30am
People of the Parish
We remember in our prayers
ENA THOMPSON, Killeshandra mother of Liam, Butlersbridge & Fiona Greaney, Lisreagh
& all who died recently
11th February, 2024
Eucharistic Adoration in St Clare’s Chapel
Eucharistic Adoration 11am to 7pm daily.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Gn. 9:8-15
2nd Reading: 1 Pet. 3:18-22
Psalm 24
Gospel: Mk. 1:12-15
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish
Booking essential at
049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Eddie Hetherton, Saoibh Murphy,
Annabelle Piekarski
& all who were baptised recently.
After 10am Mass on Friday mornings.
Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays.
Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays.
Now in stock:
Candles for St Patrick’s Day, Mass Cards for all occasions,
Rosary Beads, Prayer Books, Religious Gifts
Tuesday 12 March 2024 will mark the 150th Anniversary of the opening of the iconic building which served as the original Saint Patrick’s College, Cavan (up to its relocation to the new college building in 2012) and now houses the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre since 2005. Bishop Martin Hayes will be the principal celebrant of a special Mass to commemorate this milestone anniversary in the Cathedral of Saints Patrick & Felim, Cavan on Saturday 16 March 2024 at 11:00a.m. Further details will be announced in due course.
Pilgrimage to Medugorje with Fr Peter Okpetu, Spiritual Director.
22nd – 29th May 2024. Accommodation near St James Church.
€775 if deposit paid by 2nd February, after that €825.
A bus will leave Cavan town for the airport.
Contact Margaret Blessington 086 3850861
Prayer Liturgy for survivors / victims of clerical abuse will be included in the 10am Mass on Friday 16th February.
The Report on the Responses from Parish Meetings of Autumn 2023 has been sent to all Parishes and Parish Pastoral Councils to be made available to parishioners and can be found on the Diocesan Website www.kilmorediocese.ie It is accompanied by a Message from Bishop Martin indicating immediate next steps in response to the Report.
BIBLE STUDY AND LECTIO DIVINA IN LENT - An introduction to the Gospel of St. John, followed by prayerful reading of Gospel passages (Lectio Divina), led by Bishop Emeritus Leo O’Reilly, will take place each Thursday during Lent, from 7.30p.m. to 9.00pm. The course, which takes place in the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cullies, Cavan H12 E5C7, begins on 15th February and concludes on 21st March. All are welcome. For further information, please contact the Centre on 049 4375004.
A Lenten healing service with Fr John Walsh, Limerick will take place in St Brigid's Church, Killygarry on Thursday February 15th. Confessions from 6 15pm, Rosary 7pm, Holy Mass at 7.30pm followed by the laying on of hands and concluding with Benediction. Water, Salt and Oil will be blessed. All welcome.
Breifne Historical Society will host the Bishop McKiernan Memorial Lecture on Thursday February 22nd in Cavan Library at 7pm.
Dr Eileen Murphy (Belfast) will speak about "Children's burial grounds (Cillini) and the early modern religious landscape".
Free event, all welcome.
Ever wondered about the reasons behind our actions during Mass? Curious about the true significance of it all and the origins of the Mass itself? Have you ever heard someone say, "I'm not getting much from Mass"? Maybe the real question is, "What am I contributing to Mass? Am I genuinely involved, or just an observer?" You are warmly invited to join Bishop Martin and members of the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Development Team on a unique three-week online series to explore these questions and more with videos explaining the different parts of the Mass, interactive discussions, personal stories, and an opportunity to ask questions. The sessions will run on three Tuesday evenings: February 27th, March 5th, and March 12th. Each session will start at 7:30 pm. and last an hour and a half. Everyone is most welcome! To register, please send your name and email address to pastoralcentre@kilmorediocese.ie
Mass Intentions
Saturday 10th 7.30pm
Colm Lee, Billis
John & Maisie Maguire, Bridge St. & Farnham Rd.
Susan Harrison, John Paul Ave.
Thomas Cullivan, Keadue Lane
Angela Kerssbeeck, Kilnavara
Sunday 11th 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 11th 10am
Brenda Murphy, Harmony Heights
Mary & Pat Mc Keown & James Kehoe
Sunday 11th 11.30am
Denis & Philomena O’Keeffe, Billis; Richard Crean, Lincolnshire
Joey O’Keeffe, Billis
Thomas (Tommy) Mc Hugh, Highfield Rd.
Bill Goggins, Cabra
Paddy Gaffney, Cathedral Rd.
Paddy & Jennifer Sheridan, Harmony Heights; Michael & Tom Donohoe, Tullacmongan
Monday 12th 10am
Fr Mathew Mundackal
Anna & Edward Clail, Swellan
Tuesday 13th 10am
Patrick & Nan Kelly
Ouseph Paily
Ash Wednesday 14th 10am
Ellen Rose, James & Francis Joseph Cafferty
Kathleen Ellis, Elm Grove
Ash Wednesday 14th 1.05pm
Special Intention
Special Intention
Thursday 15th 10am
Margaret & Jimmie Mulvey, Birmingham
Kathleen & Jack Sullivan, Church St.; Jane & John Galligan, Kilnavara; Maisie & Sonny Magee, St Phelim’s Place
Friday 16th 10am
Boguslaw Osinski, Castlemanor
Brian & Rose Mc Keever, Dundalk
Saturday 17th 10am
Jim, James & Annie Mulvany
Special Intention
Saturday 17th 7.30pm
Pat Timoney, Earlsvale Rd. & deceased family members
Chalil Ulahannan
Raymond Shiels, Youghal, Cork
Sunday 18th 8.30am
Special Intention
Sunday 18th 10am
People of the Parish
Sunday 18th 11.30am
Evelyn Kelly, Brookside, Farnham Rd.
Des Scanlon, Corlurgan
Jimmy Coyle, College St.
Sean Leddy, Crimlin & deceased family members & Bridie Grealish
Michael Swords, Moynehall
Patrick Sheridan & deceased of Cronogue family
ST. Clare’s Chapel
Sunday 11th 10.45am
No Intentions
Monday 12th 7.30pm
Joe Rabbitte, Loughduff
Special Intention
Tuesday 13th 7.30pm
Mick Conaty, Drung
Ash Wednesday 14th 7.30am
Available for Intentions
Thursday 15th 7.30am
Available for Intentions
Friday 16th 7.30am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 18th 10.45am
Michael & Alice Donohoe, sons Peter & Thomas, Ballinagh
Sunday 11th 9.30 am
Malo Reilly, Annagelliff & deceased of Boylan family, Castletara
Baby Lisa Caffrey & deceased of Caffrey family, Killynebber; deceased of Heffernan family, Listowel
Baby Nathan Greene
Ash Wednesday 14th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Friday 16th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Sunday 18th 9.30am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 11th 10.30am
Peter & Maisie Henry, Kilnaglare & deceased of
Mc Govern & Henry families
Catherine & Patsy Mc Entee, Drumcrow
Ash Wednesday 14th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Friday 16th 7.30pm
Annie & Sean Fitzpatrick, Butlersbridge
James & Kate O’Rourke & Sr Mary Vincent
Michael Cryan, Butlersbridge
Mary Foynes, Butlersbridge
Sunday 18th 10.30am
Gerard & Charles Mundy, Butlersbridge
Joe & Mary Brady, Ballymacenroe
We remember in our prayers
PAULINE WILSON SMITH, Canada & Harmony Hts.
DENNIS DUFFY, Letterkenny. Brother of Sr. Suzie Duffy, Kilmore Director of Safeguarding
MARY ROSE O’CONNOR, Longford. Sister of Pauline Clarke, Latt
& all who died recently
Arts & Crafts Class starting Friday 9th Feb for 6 weeks,
1pm -3pm, fee €7 weekly.
Walking Group, 11am – 12.30pm on Mondays
Dancing Classes at 1pm on Mondays, fee €5 weekly.
Refreshments served.
Contact 049 4380725 or 089 6007059
4th February, 2024
Eucharistic Adoration in St Clare’s Chapel
Eucharistic Adoration 11am to 7pm daily.
BENEDICTION in St Clare’s Chapel this Sunday 4th February at 7pm.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading:Lev 13:1-2, 44-46
2nd Reading: 1 Cor 10:31-11:1
Psalm 31
Gospel: Mk 1:40-45
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish. Booking essential at
049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
After 10am Mass on Friday mornings.
Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays.
Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays.
Now in stock:
Candles for Candlemas Day, St Brigid’s Day & St Patrick’s Day Mass Cards for all occasions
Rosary Beads, Prayer Books, Religious Gifts
Tuesday 12 March 2024 will mark the 150th Anniversary of the opening of the iconic building which served as the original Saint Patrick’s College, Cavan (up to its relocation to the new college building in 2012) and now houses the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre since 2005. Bishop Martin Hayes will be the principal celebrant of a special Mass to commemorate this milestone anniversary in the Cathedral of Saints Patrick & Felim, Cavan on Saturday 16 March 2024 at 11:00a.m. Further details will be announced in due course.
Pilgrimage to Medugorje with Fr Peter Okpetu, Spiritual Director.
22nd – 29th May 2024. Accommodation near St James Church.
€775 if deposit paid by 2nd February, after that €825.
A bus will leave Cavan town for the airport.
Contact Margaret Blessington 086 3850861
Nine Day Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus starts on Sunday 4 Feb at 10am Mass and continues each morning until Monday 12 Feb. Novena prayer to be said at Mass.
Novena books, Devotion books, Medals and Chaplet beads to the Holy Face on sale after mass.
Cavan Parish Schools Enrolment
Enrolment from 19th January to 9th February
Butlersbridge 049-4361730 bbcns123@gmail.com
Corlurgan 049-4361718 office@corlurganns.com
Crubany 049-4362202 crubanynationalschool@gmail.com
Drumcrave 049-4361496 drumcravens@yahoo.ie
Farnham 049-4332011 office@farnhamschool.com
Killygarry 049-4362144 info@killygarryns.ie
St Clare’s 049-4332671 admin@stclarescavan.ie
Please contact the school between 9am and 2pm for an application form.
The Report on the Responses from Parish Meetings of Autumn 2023 has been sent to all Parishes and Parish Pastoral Councils to be made available to parishioners and can be found on the Diocesan Website www.kilmorediocese.ie It is accompanied by a Message from Bishop Martin indicating immediate next steps in response to the Report.
Healing Mass in St Brigid’s Church, Killygarry on Thursday 15th Feb, 6pm – 9.30pm. Confessions, Mass, Healing Service.
BIBLE STUDY AND LECTIO DIVINA IN LENT - An introduction to the Gospel of St. John, followed by prayerful reading of Gospel passages (Lectio Divina), led by Bishop Emeritus Leo O’Reilly, will take place each Thursday during Lent, from 7.30p.m. to 9.00pm. The course, which takes place in the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cullies, Cavan H12 E5C7, begins on 15th February and concludes on 21st March. All are welcome. For further information, please contact the Centre on 049 4375004.
Mass for Temperance Sunday & World Day of Prayer for the Sick will be broadcast next Sunday 11 February 2024 at 11am on RTÉ TV & Radio.
St Peregrine Mass for the sick will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 7th February in St Aidan’s Church, Butlersbridge
St Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer patients.
Anointing with St Peregrine oil will be offered at the Mass.
Saturday 3rd 7.30pm
Fr Gerard Finegan
Paul, Maureen, Pat & Terence Comaskey
Alex Dempsey, Highfield Rd.
Ann & Brian Mc Donald, Carrickane
Gary Murphy, Garrymore, Ballinagh & Cavan [Month’s Mind]
Tommy & Mai Young, Billis & Fr Patsy Young, Billis
Sunday 4th 8.30am
Special Intention
Sunday 4th 10am
Paddy Mc Gowan, Highfield Rd.; John & Brigid Mc Gowan, Drumelis & deceased family members
Sunday 4th 11.30am
Anne Clarke, Drummury, Crossdoney & David Polson, Shetland
Charlie Coyle, Harmony Heights
Mary Ellen & Packie Carroll, College St., & deceased of Carroll & O’Connors families
Kathleen Sexton, Ennis
Richard O’Reilly, late of College St. & London
Monday 5th 10am
Charlie & Margaret Jackson, Fairview, daughters Annie, Biddy, Rosaleen, Lily, Susan & Molly & deceased of Farrelly & Jackson families
Paddy Lannon, Mayo
Tuesday 6th 10am
Cathedral Donors
Wednesday 7th 10am
Ann, Edward, Katie & Hennie Sheridan & deceased family members, late of Mitchell St. & Manchester
Thursday 8th 10am
Special Intention
Friday 9th 10am
Available for Intentions
Saturday 10th 10am
Monica & Donald Culhane, Keadue Lane
Emer O’Reilly, St Phelim’s Place
Saturday 10th 1pm
Funeral Mass for Pauline Wilson Smith, Canada & Harmony Hts.
Saturday 10th 7.30pm
Colm Lee, Billis
John & Maisie Maguire, Bridge St. & Farnham Rd.
Susan Harrison, John Paul Ave.
Thomas Cullivan, Keadue Lane
Sunday 11th 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 11th 10am
Brenda Murphy, Harmony Heights
Mary & Pat Mc Keown & James Kehoe
Sunday 11th 11.30am
Denis & Philomena O’Keeffe, Billis; Richard Crean, Lincolnshire
Joey O’Keeffe, Billis
Thomas (Tommy) Mc Hugh, Highfield Rd.
Bill Goggins, Cabra
Paddy Gaffney, Cathedral Rd.
Paddy & Jennifer Sheridan, Harmony Heights; Michael & Tom Donohoe, Tullacmongan
ST. Clare’s Chapel
Sunday 4th Feb 10.45am
John Farrelly, St Mary’s Tce.
Sean Murray, Cluain Aoibhinn
Dympna Brady, St Phelim’s Place
Monday 5th 7.30pm
Tuesday 6th 7.30pm
People of the Parish
Sunday 11th 10.45am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 4th Feb 9.30 am
Available for Intentions
Friday 9th 7.30pm
Nathan Greene
Lena Gumley, Shankill
Sunday 11th 9.30am
Malo Reilly, Annagelliff & deceased of Boylan family, Castletara
Baby Lisa Caffrey & deceased of Caffrey family, Killynebber; deceased of Heffernan family, Listowel
Sunday 4th Feb 10.30am
Available for Intentions
Wednesday 7th 7.30pm
Mass in honour of St Peregrine
Friday 9th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Sunday 11th 10.30am
Peter & Maisie Henry, Kilnaglare & deceased of Mc Govern & Henry families
We remember in our prayers
TERENCE O’REILLY, Ballinagh, brother of Kathleen Johnston, Drumgola Woods
KATHLEEN SEXTON, Ennis, (wife of late Brendan Sexton, Breffni Park Lane)
VERONICA (VERA) McCARTHY (nee FARRELL), Stillorgan & Butlersbridge
& all who died recently
ALZHEIMER SUPPORT GROUP The Forget me not Cafe Wed. 7th Feb., 11am till 12.30pm in Castlemanor Day Centre, Drumalee, Cavan. Anyone with Dementia, their family, friends & carers are all welcome for a morning of tea, coffee, music & son.
The Garden Choir, Sunday 11th of Feb. 11am till 12pm, in Sullivan Day Centre, Cathedral Rd, Cavan. Join us for a sing along. All welcome.
For further information on any of the above contact Carole 0852669542 or Claire 0852562482.
Arts & Crafts Class starting Friday 9th Feb for 6 weeks, 1pm -3pm, fee €7 weekly.
Walking Group, 11am – 12.30pm starting Monday 12th Feb. and continuing every Monday.
Dancing Classes at 1pm starting Monday 12th Feb and continuing every Monday, fee €5 weekly.
Refreshments served.
Contact 049 4380725 or 089 6007059
Cavan Famine & Aids Appeal for Africa Fundraising
Small coins collection at Christmas raised €271 so many thanks to all those who collected small coins for us. People who wish to donate to this registered charity (Number. 20103903) can still do so at https://www.idonate.ie/CavanFamineAidsAppeal
28th January, 2024
Eucharistic Adoration in St Clare’s Chapel
Eucharistic Adoration 11am to 7pm daily.
BENEDICTION in St Clare’s Chapel next Sunday 4th February at 7pm.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading:Job 7:1-4,6-7
2nd Reading: 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23
Psalm 146
Gospel: Mk 1:29-39
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish Booking essential at
049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Bobby Flynn, Zara Coyle
& all who were baptised recently.
After 10am Mass on Friday mornings.
Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays.
Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays.
Now in stock:
Candles for Candlemas Day, St Brigid’s Day & St Patrick’s Day Mass Cards for all occasions
Rosary Beads, Prayer Books, Religious Gifts
Tuesday 12 March 2024 will mark the 150th Anniversary of the opening of the iconic building which served as the original Saint Patrick’s College, Cavan (up to its relocation to the new college building in 2012) and now houses the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre since 2005. Bishop Martin Hayes will be the principal celebrant of a special Mass to commemorate this milestone anniversary in the Cathedral of Saints Patrick & Felim, Cavan on Saturday 16 March 2024 at 11:00a.m. Further details will be announced in due course.
Pilgrimage to Medugorje with Fr Peter Okpetu, Spiritual Director.
22nd – 29th May 2024. Accommodation near St James Church.
€775 if deposit paid by 2nd February, after that €825.
A bus will leave Cavan town for the airport.
Contact Margaret Blessington 086 3850861
Nine Day Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus starts on Sunday 4 Feb at 10am Mass and continues each morning until Monday 12 Feb. Novena prayer to be said at Mass.
Novena books, Devotion books, Medals and Chaplet beads to the Holy Face on sale after mass.
Cavan Parish Schools Enrolment
Enrolment from 19th January to 9th February
Butlersbridge 049-4361730 bbcns123@gmail.com
Corlurgan 049-4361718 office@corlurganns.com
Crubany 049-4362202 crubanynationalschool@gmail.com
Drumcrave 049-4361496 drumcravens@yahoo.ie
Farnham 049-4332011 office@farnhamschool.com
Killygarry 049-4362144 info@killygarryns.ie
St Clare’s 049-4332671 admin@stclarescavan.ie
Please contact the school between 9am and 2pm for an application form.
THE FIRST FRIDAY VIGIL OF REPARATION in St. Clare's Adoration Chapel, Friday 2nd February, 6pm to 10pm. You are invited to attend for even some of it.
The Report on the Responses from Parish Meetings of Autumn 2023 has been sent to all Parishes and Parish Pastoral Councils to be made available to parishioners and can be found on the Diocesan Website www.kilmorediocese.ie It is accompanied by a Message from Bishop Martin indicating immediate next steps in response to the Report.
St Brigid’s Day / Candlemas/ St Blaise
The feast of St Brigid takes place on Thursday 1st February. If people wish to make St Brigid crosses and want them blessed please leave them on the altar rails of the Cathedral with your name on them or on the table in front of the altar in Butlersbridge or Killygarry.
2nd February is the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. If people wish to have candles blessed they can leave them in the churches as above with the St Brigid’s crosses.
Blessing of Throats A general blessing will take place on the feast of St Blaise on Saturday February 3rd during mass.
Healing Mass in St Brigid’s Church, Killygarry on Thursday 15th Feb, 6pm – 9.30pm. Confessions, Mass, Healing Service.
Mass Intentions
Saturday 27th 7.30pm
Tom Maughan, Cavan
Maureen Smith, River St.
Eugene Greenan, Cavan Town
Paddy Mongan, London
Sunday 28th 8.30am
Special Intention
Sunday 28th 10am
Paddy Mongan, London
Charlie Cronin, Crossdoney
Bernard & Josephine Mc Cabe, Mountnugent
Sunday 28th 11.30am
Teresa Smith, Aughnaskerry
Mary & JP Burns
Thomas Gumley, Tullacmongan
Frank & Dympna McConnell, grandson Gary & Michael Rooney
Mary, Frank & Liam Lyons, Drumlark & deceased of
Lyons & Walsh families
Niall Walsh, Golf Links Rd.
Donal Crotty, Farnham Rd.
Monday 29th 10am
Available for Intentions
Tuesday 30th 10am
Available for Intentions
Wednesday 31st 10am
Carmel & Joe Diver
Matt & Bridget Lee
Thursday 1st Feb 10am
Available for Intentions
Friday 2nd 10am
Mary Cadden & deceased family members
Mary, John & Paul O’Reilly, Corlough & Philip McManus, Kinawley
Saturday 3rd 10am
Available for Intentions
Saturday 3rd 7.30pm
Fr Gerard Finegan
Paul, Maureen, Pat & Terence Comaskey
Alex Dempsey, Highfield Rd.
Ann & Brian Mc Donald, Carrickane
Gary Murphy, Garrymore, Ballinagh & Cavan [Month’s Mind]
Tommy & Mai Young, Billis & Fr Patsy Young, Billis
Sunday 4th 8.30am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 4th 10am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 4th 11.30am
Anne Clarke, Drummurry, Crossdoney & David Polson, Shetland
Charlie Coyle, Harmony Heights
Mary Ellen & Packie Carroll, College St. & deceased of Carroll & O’Connors families
ST. Clare’s Chapel
Sunday 28th 10.45am
Fr Anthony Smith & community
Monday 29th 7.30pm
Mary Fay, Earlsvale Rd.
Tuesday 30th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Sunday 4th Feb 10.45am
John Farrelly, St Mary’s Tce.
Sean Murray, Cluain Aoibhinn
Dympna Brady, St Phelim’s Place
Sunday 28th 9.30 am
People of the Parish
Thursday 1st Feb 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Friday 2nd 7.30pm
Jack, Bridget, Jimmy, Vincent Smith, grandsons Vinney & James Smith & deceased of Smith & Brady families
Sunday 4th 9.30am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 28th 10.30am
Mary Comiskey, Kathleen & Billy Phair, James, Roseann & Eugene Comiskey, Seamus Leddy
Wednesday 31st 7.30pm
Ciaran Leddy, Butlersbridge; Thomas & Peggy Leddy, Derryvackney, Milltown
Friday 2nd Feb 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Sunday 4th 10.30am
Available for Intentions
We remember in our prayers
ORAL MILLER, Connolly St. & Belturbet
PARAIC FARRELLY, Crosserlough, brother of Seamus, Alacken
THOMAS DONOHOE, Ballsbridge & Killygarry
KATHLEEN TESORIERO (nee COSGROVE) formally Lakeview, late of East Norwich, Long Island, New York
SEAMUS BOYLAN, Mount Merrion, Dublin brother of Tom, Creighan
DAVID KELLY. Portmarnock & Moynehall
& all who died recently.
Cavan Famine & Aids Appeal Committee has been active for many years fund raising for three Christian charities in Kenya, Nigeria and Zambia. For Christmas we asked local children to fill a jar with lose change from their family.
So please parents can you bring in your small coins ASAP to Seamus Connolly in the Cathedral book shop.
If anyone wants to make a donation our bank details are:
IBAN: IE86 BOFI 9027 6896 6147 00 Or use https://www.idonate.ie/CavanFamineAidsAppeal
Positive Age Hall, Castlemanor
Walking Group from 11am – 12.30pm on Mon 29th Jan.
Dancing Classes at 12.30pm on Mon 29th Jan. with refreshments served - €5
Positive Age Party on Wednesday 31st January 1pm – 4pm. Music with Dessie. Raffle. Food, tea & coffee. €5 for party.
Contact 049 4380725 or 089 6007059.
Alzheimer support group meeting takes place this Thursday 1st of February at 7.30pm in Breffni Integrated / CCLD
6 Corlurgan Business Park , Ballinagh Rd , Cavan H12D86 .
For further information contact Claire 0852562482 or Carole 0852669542.
21 January 2024
Eucharistic Adoration in St Clare’s Chapel
11am to 7pm daily.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Deut 18:15-20
2nd Reading: 1 Cor 7:32-35
Psalm 94
Gospel: Mk 1:21-28
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish Booking essential at
049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Monthly Collection / Offertory Collection
If you would like to contribute towards the upkeep of the priests in our parish and the upkeep of our churches for 2024 and have not done so your contribution will be welcome at the weekend Masses or drop your contribution in a clearly marked envelope into the Presbytery.
If you would like to contribute by standing order you can do so by setting up a payment to:
Monthly Collection a/c BIC: AIBK IE2D and
IBAN: IE85 AIBK 9320 5158 3660 57. Please put your name as reference.
If you would like to contribute by envelope please contact us at 049 4331404 so we can issue a set of envelopes to you.
Thank you for your support and to all who have paid up to date.
After 10am Mass on Friday mornings.
Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays.
Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays.
Now in stock:
Candles for Candlemas Day, St Brigid’s Day & St Patrick’s Day Mass Cards for all occasions
Rosary Beads, Prayer Books, Religious Gifts
Tuesday 12 March 2024 will mark the 150th Anniversary of the opening of the iconic building which served as the original Saint Patrick’s College, Cavan (up to its relocation to the new college building in 2012) and now houses the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre since 2005. Bishop Martin Hayes will be the principal celebrant of a special Mass to commemorate this milestone anniversary in the Cathedral of Saints Patrick & Felim, Cavan on Saturday 16 March 2024 at 11:00a.m. Further details will be announced in due course.
Cavan Parish Schools Enrolment
Enrolment from 19th January to 9th February
Butlersbridge 049-4361730 bbcns123@gmail.com
Corlurgan 049-4361718 office@corlurganns.com
Crubany 049-4362202 crubanynationalschool@gmail.com
Drumcrave 049-4361496 drumcravens@yahoo.ie
Farnham 049-4332011 office@farnhamschool.com
Killygarry 049-4362144 info@killygarryns.ie
St. Clare’s National School 049-4332671 admin@stclarescavan.ie
Please contact the school between 9am and 2pm for an application form
St. Felim's NS., Farnham Street, Cavan
Applications for enrolment will be accepted from 16 January 2024 until 23 January 2024. Forms are available from the school Mon - Fri 8.45am to 2pm or download from http://stfelimsnscavan.ie/enrolment/
Nine Day Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus starts on Sunday 4 Feb at 10am Mass and continues each morning until Monday 12 Feb. Novena prayer to be said at Mass.
Novena books, Devotion books, Medals and Chaplet beads to the Holy Face on sale after mass.
Christian Unity Week
Ecumenical Service in Church of Ireland
Sunday 21st January at 7pm.
All welcome. Refreshments served.
Mass Intentions
Saturday 20th 7.30pm
Mary & Hughie Clarke, Tullacmongan
Deceased members of Cavan Bridge Club
Phil, Philip & Margaret Smith, Corohoe & Charlie Smith, Billis
Tommy, Susan & Sean Dowling, England
Sunday 21st 8.30am
Special Intention
Sunday 21st 10am
Special Intention
Sunday 21st 11.30am
Evelyn Beirne, Drumnavanagh [Month’s Mind]
Bridget & Thomas Farrell, Belville, Ballinagh
Thomas Smith, Fairview
Cathal & Kathleen Flood, Billis
Louis, Cissie & Bernadette Blessing, Main St.
May Lynch, Sutton & Castletara [Month’s Mind]
Monday 22nd 10am
Available for Intentions
Tuesday 23rd 10am
Available for Intentions
Tuesday 23rd 11.30am
Catholic Schools Week: Mass for Secondary Schools
Wednesday 24th 10am
Martin Conneely
John Joe Dunne, St Brigid’s Tce. & Elmgrove
Thursday 25th 10am
Philip, Ellen & David Lee, Wolfe Tone St.
Friday 26th 10am
Deceased of Maher family, Tipperary
Saturday 27th 10am
Holocaust Memorial Day
Saturday 27th 7.30pm
Tom Maughan, Cavan
Maureen Smith, River St.
Eugene Greenan, Cavan Town
Sunday 28th 8.30am
Special Intention
Sunday 28th 10am
Paddy Mongan, London
Sunday 28th 11.30am
Teresa Smith, Aughnaskerry
Mary & JP Burns
Thomas Gumley, Tullacmongan
Frank & Dympna Mc Connell, grandson Gary & Michael Rooney
Mary, Frank & Liam Lyons, Drumlark & deceased of Lyons & Walsh families
Niall Walsh, Golf Links Rd.
Donal Crotty, Farnham Rd.
Sunday 21st 10.45am
Ann O’Riordan, Annie Duffy & deceased members of O’Riordan family
John Murray, Dingins, Corlismore
Monday 22nd 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Tuesday 23rd 7.30pm
James Smith, St Martin’s Est.
Sunday 28th 10.45am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 21st 9.30 am
John & Joan Tully, Ballyjamesduff & deceased of Tully & O’Connor families & Betty & Jimmy Quinn, Shankill
Bernard & Elizabeth Lynch, Drumoghra
Friday 26th 7.30pm
Dympna & Jimmy Cusack, Shankill
James Higgins, Drumalee & deceased family members
Sunday 28th 9.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 21st 10.30am
People of the Parish
Wednesday 24th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Friday 26th 7.30pm
Jeff Tidy, Butlersbridge
Sunday 28th 10.30am
Mary Comiskey, Kathleen & Billy Phair, James, Roseanna & Eugene Comiskey, Seamus Leddy
We remember in our prayers
NICHOLAS MIKOLA, Ukraine father of Olga
DOROTHY EVES (nee Fay) Warrenpoint sister of Dolle Cullivan, Cullies
MAY O’REILLY, Mountnugent mother of Josie Leddy, Drumsilla & sister of Michael Gaffney, Cavan
& all who died recently.
Following on from the success of the The Backpack for Adults in previous years at Cavan Institute, the course will run again on Tuesday evenings from January 23rd for 8 weeks. The Backpack is a human and spiritual development programme containing topics such as Anxiety, Negative Looping Thoughts, Resilience Building, Self-Awareness, Boundary Setting and Healthy Relationship with Self, Others, and God. Apply online: cavaninstitute.ie/eveningcourses or call: 049 437 7940.
Cavan Social Services activities in Day Centre, Cathedral Rd.-
Wednesday Exercise & Line Dancing 10.30am – 12noon
Knitting 3pm -5pm
Thursday Whist 8.30pm
Are you affected by someone else’s drinking? AL ANON meeting every Friday morning at St Patrick’s College, Cavan at 10.30am in Conaty Centre (Pastoral Centre)
Are you out of work due to illness, disability or a personal setback? Our programmes are designed to support people re-train and re-enter the workforce.
Benefits include work placement, training plan, personalised support and QQI certification. Phone 0872274787 or 049 4377038
Dancing Classes in Positive Age Hall, Castlemanor on Monday 22 January at 12.30pm. Cost €5. Tea/Coffee & Buns served.
Contact 089 604 8236
14th January 2024
Eucharistic Adoration in St Clare’s Chapel
Eucharistic Adoration 11am to 7pm daily.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Jon 3:1-5, 10
2nd Reading: 1 Cor 7:29-31
Psalm 24
Gospel: Mk 1:14-20
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish Booking essential at
049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Jack Martin, Tadhg Brady, Kievagh Reilly Doran,
Martin O’Hanlon, Éabha Moran
& all who were baptised recently.
Monthly Collection / Offertory Collection
If you would like to contribute towards the upkeep of the priests in our parish and the upkeep of our churches for 2024 and have not done so your contribution will be welcome at the weekend Masses or drop your contribution in a clearly marked envelope into the Presbytery.
If you would like to contribute by standing order you can do so by setting up a payment to:
Monthly Collection a/c BIC: AIBK IE2D and
IBAN: IE85 AIBK 9320 5158 3660 57. Please put your name as reference.
If you would like to contribute by envelope please contact us at 049 4331404 so we can issue a set of envelopes to you.
Thank you for your support and to all who have paid up to date.
After 10am Mass on Friday mornings.
Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays.
Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays.
Now in stock:
for Candlemas Day, St Brigid’s Day & St Patrick’s Day .
Mass Cards for all occasions
Rosary Beads, Prayer Books, Religious Gifts
The parish envelopes for 2024 are now available. If you have not received your envelopes please call to the Presbytery or phone Rosaleen at 049 4331404.
Tuesday 12 March 2024 will mark the 150th Anniversary of the opening of the iconic building which served as the original Saint Patrick’s College, Cavan (up to its relocation to the new college building in 2012) and now houses the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre since 2005. Bishop Martin Hayes will be the principal celebrant of a special Mass to commemorate this milestone anniversary in the Cathedral of Saints Patrick & Felim, Cavan on Saturday 16 March 2024 at 11:00a.m. Further details will be announced in due course.
Cavan Parish Schools Enrolment
Enrolment from 19th January to 9th February
Butlersbridge 049-4361730 bbcns123@gmail.com
Corlurgan 049-4361718 office@corlurganns.com
Crubany 049-4362202 crubanynationalschool@gmail.com
Drumcrave 049-4361496 drumcravens@yahoo.ie
Farnham 049-4332011 office@farnhamschool.com
Killygarry 049-4362144 info@killygarryns.ie
St. Clare’s National School 049-4332671 admin@stclarescavan.ie==
Please contact the school between 9am and 2pm
St. Felim's NS., Farnham Street, Cavan
Applications for enrolment will be accepted from 16 January 2024 until 23 January 2024. Forms are available from the school Mon - Fri 8.45am to 2pm or download from http://stfelimsnscavan.ie/enrolment/
Nine Day Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus starts on Sunday 4 Feb at 10am Mass and continues each morning until Monday 12 Feb. Novena prayer to be said at Mass.
Novena books, Devotion books, Medals and Chaplet beads to the Holy Face on sale after mass.
Mass Intentions
Saturday 13th 7.30pm
Christine Cosgrove
Mary Young, Drumcrave
Billy Mc Cabe, grandson William & deceased of Mc Cabe family, St Aidan’s Tce.
Peadar Clarke, Glenlara
Sunday 14th 8.30am
Mary Connolly, Dublin
Special Intention
Sunday 14th 10am
People of the Parish
Sunday 14th 11.30am
James (Jimmy) Coyle, St Martin’s Est, dad Jimmy, grandad Jimmy Coyle, Kilnavara & nephew Jamie Michael, Kells
Eddie & Kitty Quinn, Rosculligan & son Philip
Peter & Mary Shannon, Butlersbridge
Noel Cusack, Bunnoe & Dublin
Monday 15th 10am
Mass of Thanksgiving
Tuesday 16th 10am
Phil, Kate & Sean Plunkett, Ballyjamesduff
Roseann & James Brady, College St. & Fairtown
Wednesday 17th 10am
Luke Lawrence Kelly
Thursday 18th 10am
Catherine Mc Sharry, Cois na hAbhainn, Drumalee
Friday 19th 10am
Maura Sullivan, Glenside Rd.
Margaret Smith, Creamfield
Saturday 20th 10am
Pat & Madeline Mc Hugh, Latt
Bernard Murray, Owen Roe Tce.
Saturday 20th 7.30pm
Mary & Hughie Clarke, Tullacmongan
Deceased members of Cavan Bridge Club
Phil, Philip & Margaret Smith, Corohoe & Charlie Smith, Billis
Tommy, Susan & Sean Dowling, England
Sunday 21st 8.30am
Special Intention
Sunday 21st 10am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 21st 11.30am
Evelyn Beirne, Drumnavanagh [Month’s Mind]
Bridget & Thomas Farrell, Belville, Ballinagh
Thomas Smith, Fairview
Cathal & Kathleen Flood, Billis
Louis, Cissie & Bernadette Blessing, Main St.
May Lynch, Sutton & Castletara [Month’s Mind]
ST. Clare’s Chapel
Sunday 14th 10.45am
Private Intention
Monday 15th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Tuesday 16th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Sunday 21st 10.45am
Ann O’Riordan, Annie Duffy & deceased members of O’Riordan family
John Murray, Dingins, Corlismore
Sunday 14th 9.30 am
Benny Galligan, Denbawn & London, deceased of Galligan family & Mary Halligan
Friday 19th 7.30pm
Brendan Reilly, Killynebber
Margaret & Edward Mc Govern, Shankill & deceased of family
Sunday 21st 9.30am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 14th 10.30am
Brian Leddy, Tierlissen, Milltown
Frances Mc Phillips, Butlersbridge (Month’s Mind) & deceased family members
Wednesday 17th 7.30pm
Garry & Ena Fortune, Tullylough House
Tommy Brown & deceased family members, Butlersbridge
Friday 19th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Sunday 21st 10.30am
People of the Parish
We remember in our prayers
TOM MICHAEL MC GOVERN, Drumcassidy, Kilnaleck brother of
Sue Lynch, Drumoghera
CATHERINE MANNION, Drumshanbo mother of
Michelle Moran, Drumcrave
& all who died recently.
Following on from the success of the The Backpack for Adults in previous years at Cavan Institute, the course will run again on Tuesday evenings from January 23rd for 8 weeks. The Backpack is a human and spiritual development programme containing topics such as Anxiety, Negative Looping Thoughts, Resilience Building, Self-Awareness, Boundary Setting and Healthy Relationship with Self, Others, and God. Apply online: cavaninstitute.ie/eveningcourses or call: 049 437 7940.
Cavan Social Services activities in Day Centre, Cathedral Rd.-
Wednesday Exercise & Line Dancing 10.30am – 12noon
Knitting 3pm -5pm
Thursday Whist 8.30pm
Are you affected by someone else’s drinking? AL ANON meeting every Friday morning at St Patrick’s College, Cavan at 10.30am in Conaty Centre (Pastoral Centre)
We are asking people NOT TO PARK their cars on the avenues around the Cathedral while attending Mass or other Church ceremonies.
One never knows when the services of an Ambulance or Fire Brigade are required and access routes should not be blocked at any time.
Consideration for others is all we ask and leaving the avenues and all yellow boxes free at all times is essential.
7 January 2024
Eucharistic Adoration in St Clare’s Chapel
BENEDICTION in St Clare’s Chapel this Sunday 7th January at 7pm.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: 1 Sam 3:3-10,19
2nd Reading: 1 Cor 6:13-15,17-20
Psalm 39
Gospel: Jn 1:35-42
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish Booking essential at
049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
all who were baptised recently.
Monthly Collection / Offertory Collection
If you would like to contribute towards the upkeep of the priests in our parish and the upkeep of our churches for 2024 and have not done so your contribution will be welcome at the weekend Masses or drop your contribution in a clearly marked envelope into the Presbytery.
If you would like to contribute by standing order you can do so by setting up a payment to:
Monthly Collection a/c BIC: AIBK IE2D and
IBAN: IE85 AIBK 9320 5158 3660 57. Please put your name as reference.
If you would like to contribute by envelope please contact us at 049 4331404 so we can issue a set of envelopes to you.
Thank you for your support and to all who have paid up to date.
After 10am Mass on Friday mornings
Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays.
Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays.
Now in stock:
Catholic Diary 2024
Mass Cards for all occasions
Rosary Beads, Prayer Books, Religious Gifts
Tuesday 12 March 2024 will mark the 150th Anniversary of the opening of the iconic building which served as the original Saint Patrick’s College, Cavan (up to its relocation to the new college building in 2012) and now houses the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre since 2005. Bishop Martin Hayes will be the principal celebrant of a special Mass to commemorate this milestone anniversary in the Cathedral of Saints Patrick & Felim, Cavan on Saturday 16 March 2024 at 11:00a.m. Further details will be announced in due course.
The parish envelopes for 2024 are available for distribution. We thank all who have helped us over the years to distribute the envelopes. If you are willing to join this team and help in your area please call to the Presbytery or phone Rosaleen at
049 4331404.
Thank You for your help and support in 2023
All who helped in the Parish in any way. . . .
Jenny, our Parish Pastoral Assistant
The Ministers of the Eucharist
Our Readers at Mass
Altar Servers, both Junior & Senior
The Sacristans in our various churches
Conductors & Organists
Members of the Choirs & Cantors
Soloists at funeral masses
All those who help at Christmas & Easter liturgies
Members of the Altar Societies
Arrangers of flowers
Ushers & Offertory Collectors
People who deliver envelopes
Child Safeguarding Personnel
Those who help with Parish Programmes
Members of the Baptism Team
All our Teachers in the schools
Members of Boards of Management
Members of the Finance Committee
Members of the Pastoral Council
All who visit the sick
Members of various organisations in the parish who
give their time so generously.
Saturday 6th 7.30pm
Philip & Bridgid Cassidy, Mary Zarolla, Tom & Bridgid Reidy, Johnny Nolan, Eva O’Callaghan, Noreen Browne
Annie Mc Nulty, Cullies
John, Josie, Noel, Tina & Peter Mc Ginnity, Cathedral Rd.
Mary & Patrick Brady, Reaske & deceased family members
Nicole Gillick, Dungannon & Cavan
Sunday 7th 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 7th 10am
Eugine Diver, Donegal
James, Bridget & Jim Mc Caffrey, Killeshandra
Sunday 7th 11.30am
Brian Gaffney, Latt
Leo Mc Donald, Farnham St.
Eileen Rehill, Loonogs, Crosskeys
Monday 8th 10am
Martin O’Brien
Patrick Smith, O’Raghallaigh Park & Australia
Tuesday 9th 10am
Available for Intentions
Wednesday 10th 10am
May Rose Lynch
Thursday 11th 10am
Available for Intentions
Friday 12th 10am
Available for Intentions
Saturday 13th 10am
Peter Mc Caffrey Jnr., St Martin’s Est.
Patrick, Kathleen & Clare Reilly, Killynebber
Saturday 13th 7.30pm
Christine Cosgrove
Mary Young, Drumcrave
Billy Mc Cabe, grandson William & deceased of Mc Cabe family, St Aidan’s Tce.
Peadar Clarke, Glenlara
Sunday 14th 8.30am
Mary Connolly, Dublin
Special Intention
Sunday 14th 10am
People of the Parish
Sunday 14th 11.30am
James (Jimmy) Coyle, St Martin’s Est., dad Jimmy, grandad Jimmy Coyle, Kilnavara & nephew Jamie Michael, Kells
Eddie & Kitty Quinn, Rosculligan & son Philip
Peter & Mary Shannon, Butlersbridge
Noel Cusack, Bunnoe & Dublin
St. Clare’s Chapel
Sunday 7th 10.45am
Andy, Judy, Aindreas & Joan Mc Entee, Church St.
Monday 8th 7.30pm
Pamela Walsh, Regaskin & Tommy Mc Kiernan, Killeshandra
Tuesday 9th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Sunday 14th 10.45am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 7th 9.30 am
Eugene & Miriam Mc Dermott, Pullamore
Mattie & Susan Reilly, Poles & daughter Teresa Hayden
Friday 12th 7.30pm
Tom & Rose Coyle, Alacken & Tom Coyle, London
Ellie Maguire, Alacken (Month’s Mind)
Sunday 14th 9.30am
Benny Galligan, Denbawn & London
Sunday 7th 10.30am
Fintan Tierney, Butlersbridge
Wednesday 10th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Friday 12th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Sunday 14th 10.30am
Brian Leddy, Tierlissen, Milltown
Frances Mc Phillips, Butlersbridge (Month’s Mind) & deceased family members
We remember in our prayers
GARY MURPHY, Ballinagh
OLIVER DENNENY, Kilcogy father of Olive Tierney, Glenlara
& all who died recently.
Cavan Social Services activities in Day Centre, Cathedral Rd.-
Wednesday Exercise & Line Dancing 10.30am – 12noon
Knitting 3pm -5pm
Thursday Whist 8.30pm
ALONE (Support for Elderly): 0818 222024
AWARE (Support for anxious/depressed): 1800 80 48 48
TERMANN (Domestic Abuse): 085 8102433
PIETA HOUSE (Mental Health) 1800 247 247
SAMARITANS (Someone to Talk to) 116 123
CHILDLINE (Support for Children) 1800 666 666
WOMEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 1800 341 900
MEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 01 5543811
SOSAD phone line 24 hours a day – 049 4326339
MABS (money advice & budgeting service) 0818 07 2000
Are you affected by someone else’s drinking? AL ANON meeting every Friday morning at St Patrick’s College, Cavan at 10.30am in Conaty Centre (Pastoral Centre)
We are asking people NOT TO PARK their cars on the avenues around the Cathedral while attending Mass or other Church ceremonies.
One never knows when the services of an Ambulance or Fire Brigade are required and access routes should not be blocked at any time.
Consideration for others is all we ask and leaving the avenues and all yellow boxes free at all times is essential.
31st December
Eucharistic Adoration in St Clare’s Chapel
Christmas and New Year Arrangements
New Year’s Eve 11am to 2 pm
New Year’s Day 11am to 2 pm
Eucharistic Adoration will take place at the usual hours 11am to 7pm on all other days over the Christmas Period. People are invited to make a special effort to visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament St Clare’s over Christmas.
BENEDICTION in St Clare’s Chapel next Sunday 7th January at 7pm.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Is 55:1-11
2nd Reading: 1 Jn 5:1-9
Psalm 12
Gospel: Mk 1:7-11
No Confessions in the Cathedral this weekend.
Baptisms in our Parish Booking essential at
049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Mollie O’Riordan
& all who were baptised recently.
In acknowledging how we have benefitted from science and technology Pope Francis calls for responsible development, regulation, and oversight of AI (Artificial Intelligence) technologies. He reminds us that the measure of true humanity lies in how we treat the least among us and he expresses the hope that AI development may contribute to human fraternity and world peace.
As we celebrate the example of the Holy Family this weekend may I also encourage you to pray for world peace on Monday, 1st January 2024.
We trust that our prayer at home and in our parishes will bring peace to our troubled world and especially to the Holy Land where God sent his Son, Jesus to be among us.
+Martin Hayes, Bishop of Kilmore.
Mass on New Year’s Day is at 11am in the Cathedral.
Monthly Collection / Offertory Collection
If you would like to contribute towards the upkeep of the priests in our parish and the upkeep of our churches for 2024 and have not done so your contribution will be welcome at the weekend Masses or drop your contribution in a clearly marked envelope into the Presbytery.
If you would like to contribute by standing order you can do so by setting up a payment to:
Monthly Collection a/c BIC: AIBK IE2D and
IBAN: IE85 AIBK 9320 5158 3660 57. Please put your name as reference.
If you would like to contribute by envelope please contact us at 049 4331404 so we can issue a set of envelopes to you.
Thank you for your support and to all who have paid up to date.
St Peregrine Mass for the sick will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 3rd January in St Aidan’s Church, Butlersbridge
St Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer patients. Anointing with St Peregrine oil will be offered at the Mass.
THE FIRST FRIDAY VIGIL OF REPARATION in St. Clare's Adoration Chapel, Friday 5th January, 6pm to 10pm. You are invited to attend for even some of it.
Saturday, January 6th, is the Feast of the Epiphany and Masses are as follows:
Friday 5th Killygarry 7.30pm
Butlersbridge 7.30pm
Saturday 6th Cathedral 10am
As the New Year begins let us pray that this year will be a year of peace, a year of joy, a year full of blessings.
Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous New Year.
Saturday 30th 7.30pm
Tom & Elish Mc Namara, Dora Cassese & son Pat
Peter & Benny Gaffney, Breandrum & Hugh Maguire, Drumelis
Sunday 31st 8.30am
Special Intention
Sunday 31st 10am
People of the Parish
Sunday 31st 11.30am
Pat Kelly, Highfield Rd. & deceased of Kelly family
Pat Lynch, Cootehill Rd.
Special Intention
Monday 1s Jan 11am
People of the Parish
Tuesday 2nd 10am
Cathedral Donors
Susan & Thomas Mc Mahon, Mary & Walter Lambert,
Gabrielle & Eamon Mc Govern
Wednesday 3rd 10am
Deceased of Dowling & Mulligan families
Thursday 4th 10am
Margaret & Michael Mannion, Lena & Reg Maherg, John & Michael Mannion
Friday 5th 10am
Jim & Mary Fay, College St.
Special Intention
Saturday 6th 10am
Francis Heffernan, John Paul Ave.
Joe & Timmy Mc Cabe, John Paul Ave.
Saturday 6th 7.30pm
Philip & Bridgid Cassidy, Mary Zarolla, Tom & Bridgid Reidy, Johnny Nolan, Eva O’Callaghan, Noreen Browne
Annie Mc Nulty, Cullies
John, Josie, Noel, Tina & Peter Mc Ginnity, Cathedral Rd.
Mary & Patrick Brady, Reaske & deceased family members
Nicole Gillick, Dungannon & Cavan
Sunday 7th 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 7th 10am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 7th 11.30am
Brian Gaffney, Latt
Leo Mc Donald, Farnham St.
Eileen Rehill, Loonogs, Crosskeys
ST. Clare’s Chapel
Sunday 31st 10.45am
Mary Plunkett, Ballyjamesduff
Monday 1st Jan 7.30pm
Tuesday 2nd 7.30pm
Sunday 7th 10.45am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 31st 9.30 am
Tommy & Mary Monaghan, Killygarry.
Tommy, Katie & Anna Donohoe, Pullamore
Geraldine Mc Loughlin
Friday 5th Jan 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Sunday 7th 9.30am
Eugene & Miriam Mc Dermott, Pullamore
Mattie & Susan Reilly, Poles & daughter Teresa Hayden
Sunday 31st 10.30am
Mary Cosgrove, Innishbeg
Jack & Rose Mc Gerty & deceased members of Mc Gerty & Brogan families
Wednesday 3rd Jan 7.30pm
Mass in honour of St Peregrine
Friday 5th 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Sunday 7th 10.30am
Fintan Tierney, Butlersbridge
We remember in our prayers
MICHAEL FAY, Bunnoe, Lisboduff
NANCY BRADY, Crosserlough sister of
Patsy Reilly, Pottle, Poles
JOHN ROTHWELL, Ballyjamesduff, father of Aidan,
DYMPNA BRENNAN, Inniskeen mother of
Sheila O’Reilly, Innishmore, Butlersbridge
& all who died recently.
Are you affected by someone else’s drinking? AL ANON meeting every Friday morning at St Patrick’s College, Cavan at 10.30am in Conaty Centre (Pastoral Centre)
ALONE (Support for Elderly): 0818 222024
AWARE (Support for anxious/depressed): 1800 80 48 48
TERMANN (Domestic Abuse): 085 8102433
PIETA HOUSE (Mental Health) 1800 247 247
SAMARITANS (Someone to Talk to) 116 123
CHILDLINE (Support for Children) 1800 666 666
WOMEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 1800 341 900
MEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 01 5543811
SOSAD phone line 24 hours a day – 049 4326339
MABS (money advice & budgeting service) 0818 07 2000
Tuesday 12 March 2024 will mark the 150th Anniversary of the opening of the iconic building which served as the original Saint Patrick’s College, Cavan (up to its relocation to the new college building in 2012) and now houses the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre since 2005. Bishop Martin Hayes will be the principal celebrant of a special Mass to commemorate this milestone anniversary in the Cathedral of Saints Patrick & Felim, Cavan on Saturday 16 March 2024 at 11:00a.m. Further details will be announced in due course.
The parish envelopes for 2024 are now ready for distribution. We thank all who have helped us over the years to distribute the envelopes. If you are willing to join this team and help in your area please call to the Presbytery or phone Rosaleen at
049 4331404.
Christmas 2023
We apologise for the recent inactivity on our parish website. I have now taken over the responsibility of posting our parish newsletter online.
- Rev. Jordan
Masses this week in our Parish
Cathedral Monday – Friday 10am
Saturday 10am & 7.30pm (vigil)
Sunday 8.30am, 10am, 11.30am Vigil 9pm
Monday CHRISTMAS DAY 10am & 11.30am
St. Clare’s Chapel Sunday 10.45am Monday 10.45am
St Brigid’s Killygarry Sunday 9.30am Sunday (Vigil) 9pm Monday 9.30am
St Aidan’s Butlersbridge Sunday 10.30am Sunday (Vigil) 9pm Monday 10.30am
Eucharistic Adoration in St Clare’s Chapel
Christmas and New Year Arrangements
Christmas Eve 11am to 2 pm.
Christmas Day 11am to 2 pm
St Stephen’s Day 11am to 2 pm.
New Year’s Eve 11am to 2 pm
New Year’s Day 11am to 2 pm
Eucharistic Adoration will take place at the usual hours
11am to 7pm on all other days over the Christmas Period.
People are invited to make a special effort to visit Jesus in
the Blessed Sacrament St Clare’s over Christmas.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1 st Reading: Gn 15:1-6, 21:1-3
2 nd Reading: Heb 18:11-12, 17-19
Psalm 104
Gospel: Lk 2:22-40
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish
Booking essential at 049 4331404.
Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
We welcome into the Christian Community
Enya Briody, Ronan Lewis
The parish envelopes for 2024 are now ready for
distribution. We thank all who have helped us over
the years to distribute the envelopes. If you are
willing to join this team and help in your area please
call to the Presbytery or phone Rosaleen at 049 4331404.
Tuesday 12 March 2024 will mark the 150th Anniversary of
the opening of the iconic building which served as the
original Saint Patrick’s College, Cavan (up to its relocation
to the new college building in 2012) and now houses the
Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre since 2005. Bishop
Martin Hayes will be the principal celebrant of a special
Mass to commemorate this milestone anniversary in the
Cathedral of Saints Patrick & Felim, Cavan on Saturday
16 March 2024 at 11:00a.m. Further details will be
announced in due course.
Christmas Eve 24th December Vigil Mass
Cathedral 9pm
St Brigid’s Killygarry 9pm
St Aidan’s, Butlersbridge 9pm
Christmas Day
Cathedral 10am & 11.30am
St Clare’s 10.45am
St Brigid’s Killygarry 9.30am
St Aidan’s, Butlersbridge 10.30am
Monthly Collection / Offertory Collection
If you would like to contribute towards the upkeep
of the priests in our parish and the upkeep of our
churches for 2024 and have not done so your
contribution will be welcome at the weekend
Masses or drop your contribution in a clearly marked
envelope into the Presbytery.
If you would like to contribute by standing order you
can do so by setting up a payment to:
Monthly Collection a/c BIC: AIBK IE2D and
IBAN: IE85 AIBK 9320 5158 3660 57. Please put your
name as reference.
If you would like to contribute by envelope please
contact us at 049 4331404 so we can issue a set of
envelopes to you. Thank you for your support and to
all who have paid up to date.
The Bishop & priests of the Parish thank you for your
support throughout the year and wish all our
parishioners and their families a happy, peaceful and
holy Christmas and wonderful New Year.
Bishop Martin
Fr Kevin, Fr Thomas, Fr Brian,
Fr Bijo, Fr Cyriacus & Dcn. Jordan
Saturday 23 rd 7.30pm
James & Annie Kitson, St Mary’s Tce. & deceased of
Peggy & Bill Allen, son Patrick & deceased of O’Reilly
family, College St.
Brian Finlay, James, Rose & Frank Finlay
Tom & Ann Maughan, son Terry, grandsons Tom &
John Paul, granddaughter Winnie
Sunday 24 th 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 24 th 10am
Hugh Cosgrove, Lakeview
Special Intention
Special Intention
Sunday 24 th 11.30am
Michael & Teresa Bravender, St Phelim’s Place & son
Fiona Bergin (nee Webber) & Roisin Webber
Jim & Teresa Keeney, Donegal, sons Jim & Danny
Con Harley & deceased of family, Donegal & Scotland
Thomas & Anna Flynn, Cathedral Rd.
Sunday 24 th Christmas Eve Vigil 9pm
People of the Parish
Monday 25 th 10am
People of the Parish
Monday 25 th 11.30am
People of the Parish
Tuesday 26 th 10am
Johnny Mc Cormack, Highfield Rd
Special Intention
Wednesday 27 th 10am
Special Intention
Thursday 28 th 10am
Sarah & Michael Smith, St Phelim’s Place
Friday 29 th 10am
Michael Smith, Athboy & St Phelim’s Place
Saturday 30 th 10am
Paddy & Mary Tully, Coolboyogue
Saturday 30 th 7.30pm
Tom & Eilish Mc Namara, Dora Cassese & son Pat
Peter & Benny Gaffney, Breandrum & Hugh Maguire,
Sunday 31 st 8.30am
Special Intention
Sunday 31 st 10am
People of The Parish
Sunday 31 st 11.30am
Pat Kelly, Highfield Rd. & deceased of Kelly family
Pat Lynch, Cootehill Rd.
Special Intention
Sunday 24 th 10.45am
Special Intention
Kazys Gintvainis
Monday 25 th 10.45am
People of the Parish
Sunday 31 st 10.45am
Mary Plunkett, Ballyjamesduff
Sunday 24 th 9.30 am
Special Intention
Sunday 24 th Christmas Eve Vigil 9pm
People of the Parish
Monday 25 th 9.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 31 st 9.30am
Tommy & Mary Monaghan, Killygarry
Tommy, Katie & Anna Donohoe, Pullamore
Geraldine Mc Loughlin
Sunday 24 th 10.30am
James, Mary, Brendan & Tony Mc Ardle, Plush
Sunday 24 th Christmas Eve Vigil 9pm
People of the Parish
Monday 25 th 10.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 31 st 10.30am
Mary Cosgrove, Innishbeg
Jack & Rose Mc Gerty & deceased of Mc Gerty & Brogan families

Parish Office, Presbytery, Farnham Street, Cavan. Telephone 049-4331404 Mobile 085 8887484 email: cavan@kilmorediocese.ie www.cavantownparish.com
Masses this week in our Parish
Cathedral Monday – Friday 10am
Saturday 10am & 7.30pm (vigil)
Sunday 8.30am, 10am, 11.30am
St. Clare’s Chapel Sunday 10.45am Monday & Tuesday 7.30pm
St Brigid’s Killygarry Sunday 9.30am Friday 7.30pm
St Aidan’s Butlersbridge Sunday 10.30am Wednesday & Friday 7.30pm
St Clare’s Chapel ADORATION
Eucharistic Adoration 11am to 7pm daily. In order to facilitate social distancing, it will be held in the main part of the church until further notice. New members to undertake 1 hour of pray per week in the presence of the Blessed of the Sacrament are especially welcome. Contact Liam at 087 2358440 to arrange your hour.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Wis 12:13,16-19
2nd Reading: Rm 8:26-27
Psalm 85
Gospel: Mt 13:24-43
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish Booking essential at 049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Sean Mc Govern, Patrick Flanagan Behan, Cadhla Brady
& all who were baptised recently
After 10am Mass on Friday mornings
Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays.
Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays.
Call in and see the large range of Mass Cards, Religious Objects, Rosary Beads, Medals, Candles etc on sale.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Wednesday, the 9th of August 2023, the Feast of St Felim, the Patron Saint of the Kilmore Diocese. Ceremonies will begin at 2pm with the outdoor Stations of the Cross and Rosary Procession. The Celebration of Mass and the Anointing of the Sick will take place at 3pm. Bishop Martin Hayes will be the Main Celebrant. A special invitation is extended to all families from across the diocese. To book a seat on the bus please contact Marie Donoghue at 087 2586738.
Escorted Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine, Sunday 6th August 2023 which will finish with the Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage Day in Knock on 9th August. €549.00 per person sharing. Price includes return bus transfer, 3 nights’ in Knock House Hotel with Full Board. All entertainment and excursions included. Day trips to Westport, Ballintubber Abbey, Croagh Patrick, Fr. Peyton Centre. Single supplement €150.00.
Contact Patricia on 087 1890 236 or email knockpilgrimages@gmail.com.
Killygarry Apostolic Society are seeking sponsorship for Mass Boxes and sacred vessels for use on the missions. Please contact Anne at 086 3162828 or Kathleen at 087 2474855.
Mother Teresa Relic and Speaking Event at the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cavan H12 E5C7:
On Wednesday 19 July next, author Jim Towey, trusted advisor and devoted friend of Mother Teresa, will share stories of her mission, life, and long connection with Ireland at a speaking event in the Diocesan Pastoral Centre's Drumlane Room from 7:00p.m. to 8:30p.m. with a book-signing opportunity beforehand from 6:30p.m. A sacred relic of Saint Teresa of Calcutta will be displayed for veneration in The Conaty Chapel on the same day from 2:00p.m. until 9:00p.m. approximately when a blessing with the relic will be imparted. Mass will be celebrated at 3:00p.m. and 6:00p.m. Petitions/Offerings may be sent to the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre, The Conaty Centre, Cullies, Cavan H12 E5C7. All petitions received will be placed beside the relic during its visit. Please write “Petitions” on the top left hand corner of the envelope. For further information, please contact 086 0400 688 or the Diocesan Pastoral Centre on 049 4375004.
Butlersbridge Church Choir is seeking new members due to falling numbers.
All are welcome. Anyone who is interested in joining please contact Carmel English on 086 8281295.
Annual Mass at Cormeen Mass Rock, Laragh on Sunday 23rd July at 3pm. Refreshments served. Everyone welcome.
Saturday 5th August Urney at 7.30pm
Sunday 6th August Butlersbridge
Mass at 10.30am in St Aidan’s Cemetery followed by Blessing of Graves.
Families are asked to prepare their plots for the forthcoming Blessing of Graves. Please bring your own holy water with you to bless the grave. A collection will be taken up at the Blessing to fund the upkeep of the cemeteries throughout the year. Those attending are asked to be as generous as they possibly can.
Date for the Diary – Concert in Ss Patrick & Felim Cathedral on 13th October 2023 featuring Celine Byrne, Soprano & Cavan Cathedral Choir. Tickets €45 each are now on sale at the Presbytery (049 4331404) and Multisound, Main St., Cavan
Mass intentions for the week
Saturday 15th 7.30pm
Eddie & Rose Moore & deceased family members, St Brigid’s Tce.
Sean Brady, Tullacmongan
Ciara O’Hanlon, Castletara
Sean & Kevin Mc Dermott, New York & late of Lakeview
Sunday 16th 8.30am
No Intentions
Sunday 16th 10am
Gintas Puzas
Damian Mc Carthy, Kilduff, Belturbet
Sunday 16th 11.30am
Brian Murphy, Cavan
Jim & Paul Fitzpatrick, Rathcorrick; Paul Fitzpatrick, New
Jim & Kathleen Galligan, Curragho & deceased members
of Galligan family
Monday 17th 10am
Sue Hill, Billis
Tuesday 18th 10am
Jimmy Brennan & James Brennan, Carrickfern
Wednesday 19th 10am
Colm Ronaghan, Moynehall
Thursday 20th 10am
Philip & Kathleen Murray, College St.
Friday 21st 10am
Tommy, Rose & Anthony Smith, Crosskeys; deceased of Smith, Heery & Maguire families. Susan & Paddy Lynch, Barconey & deceased of Lynch & Fitzpatrick families.
Saturday 22nd 10am
Nicole Benn, The Gallops
Saturday 22nd 11.30am
Philip Murray, Finglas & Drumelis [Month’s Mind]
Saturday 22nd 7.30pm
Available for Intentions
Sunday 23rd 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 23rd 10am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 23rd 11.30am
Tommy & Cathy Hueston & deceased of Hueston & Flynn families
ST. Clare’s Chapel
Sunday 16th 10.45am
People of the Parish
Monday 17th 7.30pm
Terence (Terry) Murray, John Paul Ave.
Tuesday 18th 7.30pm
Barney & Kathleen Lynch, Crubany
Wednesday 19th 7pm
Mary Fleming (nee McCormack), Tullacmongan
Sunday 23rd 10.45am
Pat McNamara, Killycannon
Sunday 16th 9.30 am
Mary Claire & JP Burns & Fr Edward Burns
Friday 21st 7.30pm
Dympna & Jimmy Cusack, Shankill
Sunday 23rd 9.30am
Kathleen & John Fleming, Shankill
Special Intention
Sunday 16th 10.30am
Leo Cosgrove, Innishbeg, Butlersbridge & deceased family members
Con Smith, Butlersbridge
Wednesday 19th 7.30pm
Sue Hill, Billis
Friday 21st 7.30pm
Kathleen Hands, Kilconny, Belturbet
Sunday 23rd 10.30am
Tom Flynn, Cathedral Rd.
We remember in our prayers
JAMES (JIM) GLYNN, Kilburn, London father of Albert, Lisreagh
NANCY CAHILL late of Corhoogan
PEADAR DOOLEY, Killanny, Monagham brother of Margaret Brogan, Butlersbridge
FR STEPHEN COONEY O Praem, Perth, Australia & late of Tierlahood , Stradone
& all who died recently.
Useful Telephone Numbers
AWARE (Support for anxious/depressed): 1800 80 48 48
PIETA (Mental Health) 1800 247 247
SAMARITANS (Someone to Talk to) 116 123
WOMEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 1800 341 900 MEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 01 5543811
We remember in our prayers
(brother of Ann Sheridan, Billis)
(brother of Evelyn Brady)
& all who died recently.

Second Sunday of Advent
5 December 2021
Eucharistic Adoration St Clare’s Chapel
11am to 7pm daily. In order to facilitate social distancing, it will be held in the main part of the church until further notice. New members to undertake 1 hour of pray per week in the presence of the Blessed of the Sacrament are especially welcome. Contact Liam at 087 2358440 to arrange your hour.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: 1. Zephaniah 3:14-18
2nd Reading: Philippians 4:4-7
Psalm Is 12:2-6 Gospel: Luke 3:10-18.
in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm -3pm
Baptisms in our Parish
Booking essential at 049 4331404
Please give 4 - 6weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
all who were baptised recently.
Catholic Diary 2022
Christmas Cards in Box
Christmas Mass Bouquet Cards
Church Art Calendar 2022 and other gifts
Orders taken for Liturgical Calendar 2022 – names to be left with Seamus or Elizabeth in the Bookshop.
November Remembrance Candles
Please collect your candles from the altar rails in the Cathedral this week.
The Knights of St Columbanus in Cavan Area
are a voluntary organisation of Catholic laymen and we are currently recruiting new members. Membership is drawn from all walks of life within our community. Further information on what we do and on what we are about is available on our website www.knightsofstcolumbanus.ie . If you require further information please call John at 0860275300 or Shay on 0872124604
Small Coins Christmas Collection for Famine & Aids victims in Africa – 100% of funds collected go to Christian Charities such as Our Lady of Lourdes Mutomo Mission Hospital in Kenya which was established by the Irish Sisters of Mercy. We appeal to all school children to start collecting some of their small change. Please leave coins into Seamus Connolly in the Cathedral Bookshop around Christmas time. Your support is much appreciated. God will bless you for generosity. Further info from Michael Sheridan at 049 4361740.
St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
Local St. Vincent de Paul volunteers will be distributing envelopes to houses and businesses in the area soon. Envelopes can be dropped into the V de P box at the rear of the Cathedral. You can also pick up spare envelopes or direct debit forms there. Donations can also be made online at www.svp.ie/stpatrickscavan using the purple “Donate Now” icon. All donations will be used locally to help people who are struggling to make ends meet this Christmas - requests for help can be made using Freephone 1800 677 777. Your generosity to this appeal would be very much appreciated.
Cuan Cancer Support Centre
is a social support & wellness group for anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis & their family members. We offer a free & confidential counselling service to our service users & their families by appointment. Check out Website (www.cuancavancancer.ie) for more details on services or contact the centre Mon, Wed & Fri. 10am-1pm & 2-4pm. Ph:086 4556632 Email: cuan@cavan.ie
Christmas Essay Competition
Kilmore Youth Ministry is running a Christmas essay competition. First prize will be a family trip to Tayto Park. The essay title will again be “Why was the first Christmas so important”? This essay competition is only for 6th class students/Confirmation class. The essay should be no more than 500 words. The closing date will be Friday December 10th and the winner will be announced on Wednesday December 15th. Send entries to Francis Keaney, Conaty Centre, Cullies, Co Cavan H12 E5C7.
Mass intentions for the week
Saturday 4th December 7.30pm
Mai Young, Billis
Sinead O’Reilly, Drumalee & Dundrum
Alva Donohoe, Farnham Rd [Month’s Mind]
Maisie & Martin Cleary, Martin Jnr & Ellie Cleary
Rose & Bernard Lynch, Drumcrave
Sunday 5th 8.30am
Anna & Brian Crowe, Kilnavara
William & Annie Meehan, St Phelim’s Place
James & Rose Carroll, College St.
Charlie Fagan & deceased family members, Barconey, Ballyjamesduff
Sunday 5th 10am
Teresa Keaney, Donegal
Tommy & Anna Gilsenan & deceased of Gilsenan family, Lisreagh & Kathleen Gilsenan recently deceased in England
Enda Fitzgerald, Dublin
Eamon Mulcahy, Cherrymount
Sunday 5th 11.30am
Charlie Leddy, Carrickane
Jimmy Smith, St Phelim’s Place
Seamus & Mary Munnelly, Church St.
Jimmy Coyle, St Martin’s Est. [Month’s Mind]
Monday 6th 10am
Jim & Kathleen Leonard, Main St
Tuesday 7th 10am
Special intention
Wednesday 8th 10am [Holy Day]
Bill & Beezie O’Hanlon, Creighan
Wednesday 8th 1.05pm [Holy Day]
Frances McCusker
Thursday 9th 10am
Eddie & Margaret Brady, Urney, Ballinagh
Friday 10th 10am
Kathleen & Patrick Donohoe, College St
Saturday 11th 10am
Joe, Frank & Sheila Dunne & deceased family members, Araghan
Saturday 11th 7.30pm
Andy Murray
Anna Guider, Highfield Rd
Johnny Greenan, Killymooney Drive
Dominick Johnston, Tullacmongan
Francis Farrelly, Drumbo
Sunday 12th 8.30am
Paul Arackal
Sunday 12th 10am
Frank & Dympna McConnell, grandson Gary & Michael Rooney
Special intention
Jim Martin, Derrycramph
Sunday 12th 10am
Frank & Dympna McConnell, grandson Gary & Michael Rooney
Special intention
Jim Martin, Derrycramph
Sunday12th 11.30am
Thomas & Josephine Sheridan, Elmbank Drive
Frank McDonagh (Month’s mind) & Anna McDonagh, Highfield Rd
William & Evelyn Finnegan, Cathedral Rd
John & Mary McBride & grandson Martin, Caughoo
St. Clare’s Chapel
Monday 6th Dec 7.30pm
Rita & Jim Fox, Ballyshannon
Denis O’Keeffe, Harmony Heights
Tuesday 7th 7.30pm [Vigil for Holy Day]
Ellie & Edward Gilroy, Pottle
Mary & Michael Lyons & daughters Helen & Margaret & Paddy Collins
Thursday 9th 8am
Terry Cusack
Sunday 5th 9.30am
Peter & Sheila Smith, Ballinagh
Wednesday 8th Dec 7.30pm [Holy Day]
Available for intention
Friday 10th 7.30pm
Mary & Jimmy Mallon, Owen Roe Tce & The Arkins family, Kilcogy
Sunday 12th 9.30am
Ronan Galligan, Poles & Tom & Gretta Galligan, Pullamore
Frank &Kathy Coyle, Drumryan, Son Tom & deceased of family
Fiona Bergin, née Webber, & Roisin Webber, Corglass
Sunday 5th 10.30am
Flor Huelar
Jimmy, Cissie & Margaret Murphy, Egramush, Butlersbridge
Wednesday 8th 7.30pm [Holy Day]
Phil & Sadie McGowan, Butlersbridge
Friday 10th 7.30pm
Bernard, Kate & Bridie Lee, Butlersbridge
Sunday 12th 10.30am
Norah Togher, Butlersbridge & London
Christopher Tuohy, Moate
AL ANON -Are you affected by someone else's drinking? Al-Anon family groups offer support for families and friends of alcoholics. Cavan Al-Anon group meeting is held every Wednesday night at 8pm on Zoom. Details on
North West STOP
Offers a free counselling service with no waiting lists. Please phone or text 086 777 2009 to arrange.
Useful Telephone Numbers
AWARE (Support for anxious/depressed): 1800 80 48 48
PIETA (Mental Health) 1800 247 247
SAMARITANS (Someone to Talk to) 116 123
WOMEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 1800 341 900 MEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 01 5543811
We remember in our prayers
(brother of Ann Sheridan, Billis)
(brother of Evelyn Brady)
& all who died recently.

First Sunday of Advent
28 November 2021
Eucharistic Adoration St Clare’s Chapel
11am to 7pm daily. In order to facilitate social distancing, it will be held in the main part of the church until further notice. New members to undertake 1 hour of pray per week in the presence of the Blessed of the Sacrament are especially welcome. Contact Liam at 087 2358440 to arrange your hour.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Bar 5:1-9
2nd Reading: Phil 1:3-6,8-11
Psalm 125 Gospel: Lk 3:1-6
in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm -3pm
Baptisms in our Parish
Booking essential at 049 4331404
Please give 4-6weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Sophia Fields, Foly Sidong Ashley,
Michael Jordan, Archie Mc Loughlin
& all who were baptised recently
Catholic Diary 2022
Christmas Cards in Box
Christmas Mass Bouquet Cards
Church Art Calendar 2022 and other gifts
Orders taken for Liturgical Calendar 2022 – names to be left with Seamus or Elizabeth in the Bookshop.
The Knights of St Columbanus in Cavan Area
The Knights of St Columbanus are a voluntary organisation of Catholic laymen and we are currently recruiting new members. Membership is drawn from all walks of life within our community. Further information on what we do and on what we are about is available on our website www.knightsofstcolumbanus.ie . If you require further information please call John at 0860275300 or Shay on 0872124604
November Remembrance Candles
Please collect your candles from the altar rails this week.
Remembrance Mass
On Tuesday 30th November, the Chaplaincy Department of Cavan General Hospital are holding a Remembrance Mass for those who passed away in the hospital during the past year and also for departed relatives and friends of Staff. It will be held in the Cathedral of Saints Patrick & Felim, Cavan at 10am and we invite you to join us in the Cathedral, or you can watch online at https://www.churchservices.tv/cavancathedral and light a candle at that time in remembrance of your loved one.
Small Coins Christmas Collection
for Famine & Aids victims in Africa – 100% of funds collected go to Christian Charities such as Our Lady of Lourdes Mutomo Mission Hospital in Kenya which was established by the Irish Sisters of Mercy. We appeal to all school children to start collecting some of their small change. Please leave coins into Seamus Connolly in the Cathedral Bookshop around Christmas time. Your support is much appreciated. God will bless you for generosity. Further info from Michael Sheridan at 049 4361740.
St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
Local St. Vincent de Paul volunteers will be distributing envelopes to houses and businesses in the area soon. Envelopes can be dropped into the VdeP box at the rear of the Cathedral. You can also pick up spare envelopes or direct debit forms there. Donations can also be made online at www.svp.ie/stpatrickscavan using the purple “Donate Now” icon. All donations will be used locally to help people who are struggling to make ends meet this Christmas - requests for help can be made using Freephone 1800 677 777. Your generosity to this appeal would be very much appreciated.
Cuan Cancer Support Centre
is a social support & wellness group for anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis & their family members. We offer a free & confidential counselling service to our service users & their families by appointment. Check out Cuan Website (www.cuancavancancer.ie) for more details on services or contact the Centre Mon, Wed & Fri. 10am-1pm & 2-4pm. Ph:086 4556632 Email: cuan@cavan.ie
Mass Intentions for the week
Saturday 27th November 7.30pm
Patrick Reilly, Carrigan, Anna May Reilly, Carrigan & College St. & deceased family members
Patrick & Elizabeth Johnston, Frank & Betty, Nora & Mick & deceased family members
John & Jim Brady, Tullacmongan
Sunday 28th 8.30am
Patricia Carragher, Castlemanor Village
Edward Murphy, Loch Sheelin
November List of the Dead
Sunday 28th 10am
Mary Kelly, Stragelliffe
Special Intention
Special Intention
Michael & Rosetta Brady, Middletown, Loughduff
Sunday 28th 11.30am
Deceased members of Sheridan family, Sandy Row, Farnham
Thomas Connolly Jnr., Drumelis
Conor Farrell, Ardee
Brendan Donoghue, Drumalee
Monday 29th 10am
Francie & Joan Murray, Tullacmongan
Tuesday 30th 10am
For all who died in Cavan General in the past year and deceased staff members
Wednesday 1st Dec 10am
Tommy, Clare & Terry Smith, Killycannon
Thursday 2nd 10am
Deceased of Brennan family, Ballinamore
Friday 3rd 10am
Paul, Mary & John O’Reilly, Corlough & deceased family members
Saturday 4th 10am
Roseanne & Bernard Mc Cabe, Barrack Rd., Kilnaleck
Saturday 4th 7.30pm
Mai Young, Billis
Sinead O’Reilly, Drumalee & Dundrum
Alva Donohoe, Farnham Rd [Month’s Mind]
Maisie & Martin Cleary, Martin Jnr & Ellie Cleary
Rose & Bernard Lynch, Drumcrave
Sunday 5th 8.30am
Anna & Brian Crowe, Kilnavara, William & Anna Meehan, St Phelim’s Place
James & Rose Carroll, College St.
Charlie Fagan & deceased family members, Barconey, Ballyjamesduff
Sunday 5th 10am
Teresa Keaney, Donegal
Tommy & Anna Gilsenan & deceased of Gilsenan family, Kathleen Gilsenan recently deceased in England
Enda Fitzgerald, Dublin
Eamon Mulcahy, Cherrymount
Sunday 5th 11.30am
Charlie Leddy, Carrickane
Jimmy Smith, St Phelim’s Place
Seamus & Mary Munnelly, Church St.
Jimmy Coyle, St Martin’s Est. [Month’s Mind]
St. Clare’s Chapel
Monday 29th November 7.30pm
Deceased members of Lynch & Brady families
Tuesday 30th 7.30pm
John & Mary B Sharkey & grandson Kevin, Drumnavanagh
Thursday 2nd Dec 8am
Hughie Doonan, Fairview
Friday 3rd 8pm
Fergus Mc Menamim, Killeshandra
Sunday 28th November 9.30am
Terry Cusack, Ardkeen
Billy & Kathleen Sheridan, Owen Roe Tce & grandsons Charlie Scully & Garry Morgan
Friday 3rd Dec 7.30pm
Mayjo Mc Gahon & deceased of Mc Gahon & Mallon families, College St.
Sunday 5th 9.30am
Peter & Sheila Smith, Ballinagh
Sunday 28th November 10.30am
Pat, Fr PJ & Luke Flynn, Butlersbridge
Wednesday 1st Dec 7.30pm
Bridie & Seamus Emmo, Butlersbridge
Friday 3rd 7.30pm
Oliver Shannon, Urney
Sunday 5th 10.30am
Flor Huelar
Jimmy, Cissie & Margaret Murphy, Egramush, Butlersbridge
AL ANON -Are you affected by someone else's drinking? Al-Anon family groups offer support for families and friends of alcoholics. Cavan Al-Anon group meeting is held every Wednesday night at 8pm on Zoom. Details on
North West STOP
offers a free counselling service with no waiting lists. Please phone or text 086 777 2009 to arrange
Fundraiser thank you.
The High Ball, Butlersbridge would like to thank all who supported their recent fundraiser. €12,000 was raised for the two charities.
We remember in our prayers
SEAN McSHERRY, Wicklow & Cavan
PHYLLIS FEALY, Carrickfern
JOHN McDOWELL, Tullacmongan
AIRMID O’HANLON, Cathedral Rd.
ROSALEEN SHERIDAN, Tower Hamlet / Pullakeel & all who died recently.

Saturday 20th November 7.30pm
Charlie & Katie Coyle & deceased of family, Athbara
James, Alice & Jim Mooney, Sheila & Tommy Corrigan & deceased family members
Josie & Benny Carolan, Cathedral Rd.
Nancy Quinn, Dublin
Sunday 21st 8.30am
Holy Souls
Kitty Martin, Church St.
Eugene Jermyn, College St./ Swellan
Sunday 21st 10am
Noel Fay, Pullamore Far
Deceased of D’Mello & Mascarenhas families
James & Maryann McDermott & Patrick, Jim, Michael & Teddy, Lakeview
November List of the Dead
Sunday 21st 11.30am
John Fee, Highfield Rd.
Teresa Cawley, O’Raghallaigh Park
Edward Sharkey & grandson Gerard Campbell, St Phelim’s Pl
Eileen & Patrick Graham, Tullacmongan
Monday 22nd 10am
John Fitzpatrick, Highfield Rd.
Tuesday 23rd 10am
Deceased of Gilroy & Lyons families
November List of the Dead
Wednesday 24th 10am
Patrick & Maryann Buckley, daughter Susan & grandson
Anthony, Tullacmongan
Thursday 25th 10am
Mary Glavey, Drumalee
Friday 26th 10am
November List of the Dead
Friday 26th 8pm
Brian Mc Donagh [Month’s Mind Mass]
Saturday 27th 10am
Special Intention
Saturday 27th Nov 7.30pm
Patrick Reilly, Carrigan, Anna May Reilly, Carrigan &
College St. & deceased family members
Patrick & Elizabeth Johnston, Frank & Betty, Nora & Mick & deceased family members
John & Jim Brady, Tullacmongan
Sunday 28th 8.30am
Patricia Carragher, Castlemanor Village
Edward Murphy, Loch Sheelin
November List of the Dead
Sunday 28th 10am
Mary Kelly, Stragelliffe
Special Intention
Special Intention
Michael & Rosetta Brady, Middletown, Loughduff
Sunday 28th 11.30am
Deceased members of Sheridan family, Sandy Row, Farnham
Thomas Connolly Jnr., Drumelis
Conor Farrell, Ardee
Brendan Donoghue, Drumalee
St. Clare’s Chapel
Monday 22nd November 7.30pm
Deceased members of Eucharistic Adoration apostolate
Tuesday 23rd 7.30pm
Anthony Smith, Tullacmongan
Thursday 24th 8am
Raymond Mc Gauran, Church St.
Sunday 21st November 9.30am
John & Bridget Conaty, sons Arty & Paddy, daughters Kathleen, Sue, Bridie & Rosaleen O’Shea
November List of the Dead
Friday 26th 7.30pm
Margaret Higgins, Drumalee
Sunday 28th 9.30am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 21st November 10.30am
John & Bridget Mc Gowan & deceased family members, Mona, Paddy & Maura Kane.
John, Jim & Christy O’Rourke, Butlersbridge & deceased members of O’Rourke family
Wednesday 24th 7.30pm
November List of the Dead
Friday 26th 7.30pm
Anna, Geraldine & Packie Leddy, Drumsilla
Sunday 28th 10.30am
Pat, Fr PJ & Luke Flynn, Butlersbridge
CAVAN SOCIAL SERVICES **Please note change of venue** - have resumed in The Function Room, The Orchard, Drumalee for the following activities:
Tues Tai Chi 11am – 12.30pm
Wed Arts & Crafts / Knitting 3pm - 5pm
Thurs Whist 8.30pm
AL ANON -Are you affected by someone else's drinking? Al-Anon family groups offer support for families and friends of alcoholics. Cavan Al-Anon group meeting is held every Wednesday night at 8pm on Zoom. Details on
North West STOP offers a free counselling service with no waiting lists. Please phone or text 086 777 2009 to arrange
We remember in our prayers all who died recently.
CAVAN SOCIAL SERVICES **Please note change of venue** - have resumed in The Function Room, The Orchard, Drumalee for the following activities:
Tues Tai Chi 11am – 12.30pm
Wed Arts & Crafts / Knitting 3pm - 5pm
Thurs Whist 8.30pm
AL ANON -Are you affected by someone else's drinking? Al-Anon family groups offer support for families and friends of alcoholics. Cavan Al-Anon group meeting is held every Wednesday night at 8pm on Zoom. Details on http://www.al-anon-ireland.org/electronic-meetings
North West STOP offers a free counselling service with no waiting lists. Please phone or text 086 777 2009 to arrange

33 Sunday in Ordinary Time
14 November 2021
Eucharistic Adoration St Clare’s Chapel
11am to 7pm daily. In order to facilitate social distancing, it will be held in the main part of the church until further notice. New members to undertake 1 hour of pray per week in the presence of the Blessed of the Sacrament are especially welcome. Contact Liam at 087 2358440 to arrange your hour. There will be a mass for deceased members of the Eucharistic Adoration apostolate in St Clare's Church at 7.30pm on Monday 22 November
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Dn 7:13-14
2nd Reading: Apoc1:5-8
Psalm 92 Gospel: Jn 18:33-37
in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm - 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish
Booking essential at 049 4331404
Please give 4-6weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Mark Reynolds, Oisin Reynolds,
Fiadh Johnston, Hannah Smith
& all who were baptised recently
The Spiritual Accompaniment Ministry is a one-to-one confidential service inviting individuals to explore the meaning of their lives within a faith context. It seeks to help participants meet God in the ordinary and everyday experiences of life. Anyone wishing to avail of the skills of a trained lay spiritual director to accompany them on their life journey is welcome to contact the Diocesan Pastoral Centre on 049 4375004 and make an enquiry. A voluntary contribution would be welcomed, but not essential.
For Sale in CATHEDRAL BOOKSHOP (open after weekend Masses)
Catholic Diary 2022
Christmas Cards in Box
Christmas Mass Bouquet Cards
Church Art Calendar 2022 and other gifts
Orders taken for Liturgical Calendar 2022 – names to be left with Seamus or Elizabeth in the Bookshop.
Day of Remembrance
The ONE Cavan Branch will host a wreath laying ceremony in the Con Smith Memorial Park at 1.45pm on Sunday 21st November 2021. This will be followed by a memorial service in Urney Church of Ireland at 2.30pm. This event is to remember Irish people from the island of Ireland especially those from Co Cavan and surrounding counties who lost their lives in all wars. This event is open to the public and all are welcome.
Remembrance Mass
on Tuesday 30th November, the Chaplaincy Department of Cavan General Hospital for those who passed away in the hospital during the past year and also for departed relatives and friends of Staff. It will be held in the Cathedral of Saints Patrick & Felim, Cavan at 10am and we invite you to join us in the Cathedral, or you can watch online at https://www.churchservices.tv/cavancathedral and light a candle at that time in remembrance of your loved one.
Small Coins Christmas Collection
for Famine & Aids victims in Africa – 100% of funds collected go to Christian Charities such as Our Lady of Lourdes Mutomo Mission Hospital in Kenya which was established by the Irish Sisters of Mercy. We appeal to all school children to start collecting some of their small change. Please leave coins into Seamus Connolly in the Cathedral Bookshop around Christmas time. Your support is much appreciated. God will bless you for generosity. Further info from Michael Sheridan at 049 4361740.
Kilmore Apostolic Society
Mass for deceased members and benefactors will be held on Sunday 21st November at 2.30pm in The Pastoral Centre, Cavan. Refreshments and AGM will follow. All welcome.
Mass Intentions for week
Saturday 13th November 2021
7.30pm – John, Josie, Noel & Tina Mc Ginnity
-Tom Clarke, Killymooney Drive
-Lyndsey Bury, Kilnavara Crescent
-Derry, Alice, Colm, Dermot Smith & Brian Lynch
-Irene Lamowska & Henry Jebawofski
Sunday 14th November
8.30am – Bernard & Anna Cafferty, St P
- November list of the Dead
10am - Charles & Kathleeen Gallagher Crossmolina & daughter Carmel, Harrow, England
- Peter Lee, Shankill
- Paddy & Winnie Conlon, Earlsvale Rd
11.30am –Edward & Kathleen Maguire, St Brigid’s Tce.
-Peadar & Clare Cassidy, Moynehall
-Joan Jermyn, St Phelim’s Place
- Michael Leddy, Wolfe Tone St
-Tom & Eveleen O’Connor, Athbara; Vincent & Eileen O'Connor, Derrycramph
Monday 15th November
10am –Deceased members of Sheridan family, Urney, Ballinagh
Tues 16th
10am – Patrick & Kate Lynch
- November List of the Dead
Wed 17th
10am –Philip & Margaret Kiernan, Arva & deceased family members
Thurs 18th
10am – Heinz, Adelheid, Otto & Annette Roeder.
Rose, Wilheim & Joachim Goebel, Caecilia Loeffler
Fri 19th
10am- Rose & Peter Mc Caffrey, Cois na hAbhainn
Sat 20th
10am –Deceased of Donohoe family, Bridge St.
7.30pm - Charlie & Katie Coyle & deceased of family, Athbara
-Dermot, Alice & Jim Mooney, Sheila & Tommy Corrigan & deceased family members
-Josie & Benny Carolan, Cathedral Rd.
-Nancy Quinn, Dublin
Sun 21st
8.30am – Holy Souls
- Kitty Martin, Church St.
- Eugene Jermyn, College St.
10am – Noel Fay, Pullamore Far
-James & Maryann Mc Dermott & Patrick, Jim, Michael & Teddy, Lakeview
-November List of the Dead
11.30am – John Fee, Highfield Rd.
-Teresa Cawley, O’Raghallaigh Park
- Edward Sharkey & grandson Gerard Campbell, St Phelim’s Place
-Eileen & Patrick Graham, Tullacmongan
St. Clare’s Chapel Mass Intentions
Mon 15th
7.30pm – Deceased of Cullivan family, Wolfe Tone St.
Tues 16th
7.30pm –Hughie Doonan, Fairview
Thurs 18th
8am – November List of the Dead
St. Brigid’s Church, Killygarry Mass Intentions
Sun 14th
9.30am – Donie, John and Mary Ann Smith, Pullamore Hill House
- November List of the Dead
Fri 19th
7.30pm – Brendan & Vincent Lee, Behey
Sat 20th
1pm – Funeral Mass for Packie O’Reilly, Corraweelis & England
Sun 21st
9.30am – John & Bridget Conaty, sons Arty & Paddy, daughters Kathleen, Sue, Bridie & Rosaleen O’Shea.
St. Aidan’s Church, Butlersbridge, Mass Intentions
Sun 14th
10.30am – Tommy Smyth & deceased of Smyth family, Butlersbridge
Wed 17th
7.30pm – Sheila Buckley, Cork
Fri 19th
7.30pm – Deceased of Dolan & Collins families, Drumahurk & Butlersbridge
Sun 21st
10.30am – John & Bridget Mc Gowan & deceased family members; Mona,
- Paddy & Maura Kane.
- John, Jim & Christy O’Rourke, Butlersbridge & deceased members of O’Rourke family
**Please note change of venue** - have resumed in The Function Room, The Orchard, Drumalee for the following activities:
Tues Tai Chi 11am – 12.30pm; Wed 3pm - 5pm Arts & Crafts / Knitting 3pm - 5pm; Thurs Whist 8.30pm
We remember in our prayers
FRANK MC DONAGH, Highfield Rd.
JAMES (JIMMY) COYLE, St Martin’s Estate
ALICE ROWE (nee FITZPATRICK) England & Killygarry
PJ LIGGAN, Bailieborough father of Catriona Hickey, Butlersbridge
& all who died recently.
Eucharistic Adoration St Clare’s Chapel takes place each day from 11am to 7pm. In order to facilitate social distancing, it will be held in the main part of the church until further notice. New members to undertake 1 hour of pray per week in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament are especially welcome. Contact Liam at 087 2358440 to arrange your hour.
There will be a mass for deceased members of the Eucharistic Adoration apostolate in St Clare's Church at 7.30pm on Monday 22 November.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Dn 7:13-14 2nd Reading: Apoc1:5-8 Psalm 92 Gospel: Jn 18:33-37
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral each Saturday 2.30pm -3pm
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community Hollie Costello, Amelia Kaye, Jaxon Kaye, Noah Monteath, Alisha Craig, Freya Gormley & all who were baptised recently
Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine Sunday 14 November 2021
This, Sunday 14 November, the Bishops of Ireland will undertake a pilgrimage to the International shrine in Knock and will concelebrate Mass at 3pm for all those who have died in our country during the pandemic. Kilmore Diocese will be represented by Bishop Martin and the Cullen family, from Oughteragh parish, who have been recently bereaved.
The Spiritual Accompaniment Ministry
is a one-to-one confidential service inviting individuals to explore the meaning of their lives within a faith context. It seeks to help participants meet God in the ordinary and everyday experiences of life. Anyone wishing to avail of the skills of a trained lay spiritual director to accompany them on their life journey is welcome to contact the Diocesan Pastoral Centre on 049 4375004 and make an enquiry. A voluntary contribution would be welcomed, but not essential.
CATHEDRAL BOOKSHOP open after Weekend Masses
For Sale in bookshop - Catholic Diary 2022, Christmas Cards in Box, Christmas Mass Bouquet Cards, Church Art Calendar 2022 and other gifts
Day of Remembrance
The ONE Cavan Branch will host a wreath laying ceremony in the Con Smith Memorial Park at 1.45pm on Sunday 21st November 2021. This will be followed by a memorial service in Urney Church of Ireland at 2.30pm. This event is to remember Irish people from the island of Ireland especially those from Co Cavan and surrounding counties who lost their lives in all wars. This event is open to the public and all are welcome.
Remembrance Mass
On Tuesday 30th November, the Chaplaincy Department of Cavan General Hospital are holding a Remembrance Mass for those who passed away in the hospital during the past year and also for departed relatives and friends of Staff. It will be held in the Cathedral of Saints Patrick & Felim, Cavan at 10am and we invite you to join us in the Cathedral, or you can watch online at https://www.churchservices.tv/cavancathedral and light a candle at that time in remembrance of your loved one.
Are you affected by someone else's drinking? Al-Anon family groups offer support for families and friends of alcoholics. Cavan Al-Anon group meeting is held every Wednesday night at 8pm on Zoom. Details on
Small Coins Christmas Collection
for Famine & Aids victims in Africa – 100% of funds collected go to Christian Charities such as Our Lady of Lourdes Mutomo Mission Hospital in Kenya which was established by the Irish Sisters of Mercy. We appeal to all school children to start collecting some of their small change. Please leave coins into Seamus Connolly in the Cathedral Bookshop around Christmas time. Your support is much appreciated. God will bless you for generosity. Further info from Michael Sheridan at 049 4361740.