Date for the Diary In support of Cathedral Restoration Fund Concert in Ss Patrick & Felim Cathedral, Cavan on 13th October at 8pm featuring Celine Byrne, Soprano, Cobhla Surlis & Cavan Cathedral Choir. Host: Mary Kennedy Tickets €45 each on sale at the Presbytery (049 4331404) and Multisound, Main St., Cavan
Masses this week in our Parish
Cathedral Monday – Friday 10am
Saturday 10am & 7.30pm (vigil)
Sunday 8.30am, 10am, 11.30am
St. Clare’s Chapel Sunday 10.45am Monday & Tuesday 7.30pm
St Brigid’s Killygarry Sunday 9.30am Friday 7.30pm
St Aidan’s Butlersbridge Sunday 10.30am Wednesday & Friday 7.30pm
St Clare’s Chapel ADORATION
Eucharistic Adoration tales place every day in St Clare’s from 11am – 7pm.
New people are urgently required for the following times:
Tuesday 2pm - 3pm
Thursday 1pm – 2pm
Friday 1pm – 2pm
Saturday 3pm – 4pm
Please contact Liam at 087 2358440
Benediction this Sunday 1st October in St Clare’s Chapel, 7pm
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Is 5: 1-7
2nd Reading: Phil 4: 6-9
Psalm 79
Gospel: Mt 21:33-43
Baptisms in our Parish Booking essential at 049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community Bobby Jordan & all who were baptised recently.
CHANGES in our parish Due to the reduction of the number of priests in our parish the following changes take place as from 1st November 2023. BAPTISMS: First weekend of month Cathedral Second weekend of month Killygarry Third weekend of month Butlersbridge CONFESSIONS:
1st, 2nd & 3rd weekend of month in the Cathedral from 2.30pm -3pm
Lection DIVINA every Tuesday for half an hour in Conference Room (Cathedral) behind the altar after 10am Mass. Please come and bring a friend.
BOOKSHOP REVISED OPENING HOURS After 10am Mass on Friday mornings Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays. Before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays. Call in and see the large range of Mass Cards, Religious Objects, Rosary Beads, Medals, Candles etc on sale.
Kilmore Apostolic Society There will be a display for the month of October 2023 in Ballyjamesduff museum with an official launch on Thursday 5th October 2023 at 7.30pm. All are welcome to attend. Any donations would be greatly appreciated.
Lection DIVINA on every Tuesday for half an hour in Conference Room (Cathedral) behind the altar after 10am Mass. Please come and bring a friend.
Mass cards are on sale in the Presbytery
THE FIRST FRIDAY VIGIL OF REPARATION in St. Clare's Adoration Chapel, Friday 6th October, 6pm to 10pm. You are invited to attend for even some of it.
St Peregrine Mass for the sick will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 4th October in St Aidan’s Church, Butlersbridge. St Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer patients. Anointing with St Peregrine oil will be offered at the Mass.
The Cathedral Choir has resumed practice every Monday evening at 7pm in the Cathedral. We are actively seeking new members. If you are interested in joining the choir please come along on Monday or approach Thomas, our Director, after 11.30am Mass on Sundays or any member of the choir.
Addiction 5 Step Support Service
Are you affected by the misuse of alcohol or other drugs by another individual? 5 Step Support can help you; it is a free, non-judgemental, one - one consultation service. Putting your needs and wellbeing first, helping you manage often stressful, difficult and emotional issues. If you would like further information, please contact 071 9150578 / 085 875 9319 or email You don’t have to be addicted to suffer from addiction!
Are you affected by someone else’s drinking? AL ANON meeting every Friday morning at St Patrick’s College, Cavan at 10.30am in Conaty Centre (Pastoral Centre)
HAIL HOLY QUEEN CONFERENCE 2023 IS LIVE ON RADIO MARIA IRELAND FROM 2PM ON SATURDAY 7TH OCTOBER. Speakers include FR. SEÁN MAGUIRE, FR. COLUM POWER, CATHERINE MCGOWAN, FR. FREDDY WARNER. Radio Maria Ireland can be listened to by downloading the Radio Maria Ireland APP, Saorview Channel 210 or listen live at (01)4373277
We welcome the Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver this weekend. The Sisters will speak at all masses about their missionary work. A collection will be taken up at all masses to help the Sisters in their work. Your support will be greatly appreciated.
Cavan Camera Club will resume its new season of activities on Tuesday 3rd October 2023 in Backyard Centre, Moynehall at 7.30pm. New members welcome.
Cavan Guild ICA will recommence meetings in Cavan Day Care Centre, Cathedral Rd. on Wednesday 13th September at 8pm. New members welcome.
Cavan Older People’s Council Annual Roadshow 2023. Open to all to attend. New Members always welcome. Cavan Older People's Council will be holding their Roadshow & AGM on Wednesday 4th October 2023 from 9.30 a.m. 2.00 p.m. in The Lavey Inn, Dublin Road, Cavan. Registration at 9.30am. There will be speakers on a variety of topics on the day and service providers will be in attendance. If you are interested in attending please register on 049 437 8654 or e-mail by the 28th September 2023. Refreshments will be served on the day.
Cavan Rugby Club Male Voice Choir is recruiting new members. Practice Thursday nights 7.30pm in Cavan Rugby Club. For further details contact Chairman John Joe Lennon 087 2251912 or any member.
Cavan Social Services in the Cavan Day Centre, Cathedral Rd. on Wednesdays: 10.30am-12noon Exercise & Line Dancing; 3pm – 5pm Knitting & Crochet; Thursday 8.30pm Whist. New members welcome. Next Meeting Tuesday 3rd October 8pm
Cavan Town Mens Shed meet at rear of Cana House, Farnham St. Monday, Wednesday & Friday 10am – 1pm. New members always welcome.
Recent Deaths
We remember in our prayers
LEO RONAN, Highfield Rd EITHNE MC KAY, late of Golf Links Rd & Enniscorthy MICHAEL LEE, Butlersbridge SUSAN JOSEPHINE MANNING (nee Brady), Boston/Ballyhaise sister of Imelda Brady, Main St. PETER ‘PADDY’ McCAUL, Ballina & Bridge St JIM M CANN, Drumherriff, Cavan & Finglas, brother of Joe, Creighan Drive
and all who have died recently.
The Cathedral Choir has resumed practice every Monday evening at 7pm in the Cathedral. We are actively seeking new members. If you are interested in joining the choir please come along on Monday or approach Thomas, our Director, after 11.30am Mass on Sundays or any member of the choir.
Strides for Life This is a walking programme for people recovering from cancer treatment. The programme aims to bring participants to a level of fitness where they can help reduce their risk of a recurrence and improve their health and quality of life. Recommended by the Irish Cancer Society, it is individualised for each participant’s fitness level with a personal schedule which gradually increases every week over the 12 weeks. The course will begin in Cavan in September. Organised by the Cuan cancer social and support centre, the course is free and is suitable for all levels of ability. A friend or family member is also welcome to take part. Tea/Coffee after each walk. Pre-registration is required. Text/phone 0876486076 or Email
The Forget me not Cafe takes place Wednesday 4th of October,11 am till 12.30pm. The Cafe is in Castlemanor Day Centre, Drumalee, Cavan. Come enjoy a cup of Tea or coffee, a light scone or two & great music. The Alzheimer Support group’s next meeting is Thursday 5th of October at 7.30pm. We meet in Breffni Integrated /CCLD 6 Corlurgan Business Park, Ballinagh Rd, Cavan H12D86.
For further information on any of the above notices contact Claire 0852562482 or Carole 0852669542
The Garden choir are meeting again next Sunday 1st of October 12.30pm till 1.30pm in Cavan Day Care Centre. John Sullivan Centre, Cathedral Rd. Cavan. This musical get together is ideal for anyone living with dementia, family & friends . Don’t miss it to join in the fun of music & crack everyone welcome. For further information contact Claire 0852562482 or Carole 0852669542.
We welcome the Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver this weekend.The Sisters will speak at all masses about their missionary work.A collection will be taken up at all masses to help the Sisters in their work.Your support will be greatly appreciated
Numbers you may find useful to have
ALONE (Support for Elderly): 0818 222024
AWARE (Support for anxious/depressed): 1800 80 48 48
BODYWHYS (support for those affected by eating disorders) 01 2107906
CHILDLINE (Support for Children) 1800 666 666
MABS (money advice & budgeting service) 0818 07 2000
MEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 01 5543811
PIETA HOUSE (Mental Health) 1800 247 247
SAMARITANS (Someone to Talk to) 116 123
SOSAD phone line 24 hours a day – 049 4326339
TERMANN (Domestic Abuse): 085 8102433
WOMEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 1800 341 900
Mass Intentions for this week
Saturday 30th 7.30pm
Michael & Sue Hill, Billis
Paddy & Catherine McDonagh, Athlone
Pat & Mary Gorman, Drumalee
Patsy & P Smith, Corravarry, Castletara
Sunday 1st Oct 8.30am
Special Intention
Sunday 1st Oct 10am
Mel Doherty, Gortnakesh [Month’s Mind]
Sean Mc Intyre, Cathedral Rd.
Monu George
Sunday 1st Oct 11.30am
Con Sexton, St Martin’s Est
Joe & Mary Finegan, Main St.
Ryan Neary, Willow Ridge
Monday 2nd 10am
Mary Bridget Smith
Tuesday 3rd 10am
Cathedral Donors
Wednesday 4th 10am
Martin Smith
Thursday 5th 10am
John O’Hara & deceased of O’Hara family, Ballinaglera
Friday 6th 10am
Peter Conaty, Drung
Saturday 7th 10am
Kathleen & Tommy Reilly, Ardlougher & daughter Maura
Saturday 7th 7.30pm
Dayle Reilly, Carraig Beag, Drumalee [Month’s Mind]
Brenda Craig, Drumnavanagh
Dessie Donohoe, Derrycramph
Nicholas Johnston, Fairview
Sunday 8th 8.30am
Special Intention
Sunday 8th 10am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 8th 11.30am
Tony Looney & deceased of Weir family, Jubilee Tce.
Pearse Dunne, St Brigid’s Tce. & Kyoto, Japan
Sunday 1st Oct 10.45am
Special Intention
Monday 2nd 7.30pm
Dominick Carey, Dublin
Tuesday 3rd 7.30pm
Shane Mullin, Laragh Crescent
Sunday 8th 10.45am
Paddy & Mona Kane, Drumelis & deceased family members
Sunday 1st Oct 9.30 am
P J Ruddy, Pullamore
Kathleen Smith, Crubany
Friday 6th 7.30pm
Margaret (Maggie) Cleary, St Martin’s Est. [Month’s Mind]
Sunday 8th 9.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 1st Oct 10.30am
People of the Parish
Wednesday 4th 7.30pm
Mass in honour of St Peregrine
Friday 6th 7.30pm
Special Intention
Sunday 8th 10.30am
Martin & Kathleen Gibbons, Nahillah House, Cloverhill