Masses this week in our Parish
Cathedral Monday – Friday 10am
Saturday 10am & 7.30pm (vigil)
Sunday 8.30am, 10am, 11.30am
St. Clare’s Chapel Sunday 10.45am Monday & Tuesday 7.30pm
St Brigid’s Killygarry Sunday 9.30am Friday 7.30pm
St Aidan’s Butlersbridge Sunday 10.30am Wednesday & Friday 7.30pm
BENEDICTION in St Clare’s Chapel this Sunday, 7 May, at 7pm.
St Clare’s Chapel ADORATION
Eucharistic Adoration 11am to 7pm daily. In order to facilitate social distancing, it will be held in the main part of the church until further notice. New members to undertake 1 hour of pray per week in the presence of the Blessed of the Sacrament are especially welcome. Contact Liam at 087 2358440 to arrange your hour.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Acts 1:1-11
2nd Reading: Eph1:17-23
Psalm 46
Gospel: Mt 28:16-20
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish Booking essential at 049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community Isla Smith & all who were baptised recently
Christian Meditation every Thursday evening at 7pm in the Conference Room at the back of the Cathedral. Everyone welcome.
Blessing of Graves:
Cullies Sunday 25 June 1pm
Killygarry Sunday 2 July after 9.30am Mass
Urney Saturday 5 August 7.30pm
Butlersbridge Sunday 6 August after 10.30am Mass
Bookshop Opening Hours: Before and after 7.30pm Mass on Saturdays, before and after 10am & 11.30am Masses on Sundays. Call in and see the large range of Mass Cards, Religious Objects, Rosary Beads, Medals, Candles etc on sale.
Join us on Sunday 21st May at 10am Mass in the Cathedral, Cavan. Bishop Martin Hayes and the Kilmore Care of Creation Group in collaboration with Eco-Congregation Ireland and the Laudato Si’ Movement invite you to hear the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor.
ROSARY RALLY, KNOCK Saturday 3rd June. Main Celebrant : Archbishop Eamon Martin. Rosary Talk : Bishop Oliver Doeme, Nigeria, at 1pm in Basilica. Please book bus early as a bigger crowd is anticipated this year. Donoghues Coaches 087 265 4787 Monica Tuite 087 828 1727
The Legion of Mary will recite the Holy Rosary in St Clare’s Chapel during May at 7pm after the Holy Face devotions. Everyone welcome.
The Rosary will be recited on the Market Square, Cavan on Saturday, 13th May at 4pm. Please join us.
Are you affected by someone else’s drinking? AL ANON meeting every Friday morning at St Patrick’s College, Cavan at 10.30am in Conaty Centre (Pastoral Centre)
2023 Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes led by Bishop Martin Hayes 2nd June for five nights. Direct Flights from Knock to Lourdes. For all enquiries and bookings please contact: Cavan Travel, 15 Main Street Cavan Tel:049 4361222 Email: Info@cavan This year we are delighted to bring Assisted Pilgrims. Applications to Fr. Tom Mannion PP, Pilgrimage Director, Ballinaglera, Co. Leitrim. Telephone 087 9170879. Limited number of places available.
Cavan Social Services in the Cavan Day Centre, Cathedral Rd. on Wednesdays: 10.30am-12noon Exercise & Line Dancing; 3pm – 5pm Knitting & Crochet Thursday 8.30pm Whist. New members welcome.
Cavan Town Mens Shed meet at rear of Cana House, Farnham St. Monday, Wednesday & Friday 10am – 1pm. New members always welcome.
Cavan ICA Guild will resume as from 13th Sept. at 8pm
Positive Age Hall, Castlemanor – Dancing & light exercises, 2pm – 4pm continue. All welcome. Arts & Crafts continue until 8th June 2pm – 4pm. Light refreshments.
Relics of St. Oliver Plunkett will visit The Conaty Chapel of the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre in Cavan on Tuesday 23 May 2023 with the kind support of the Knights of St. Columbanus. The relics will arrive at the Centre at 10:00a.m. and will be available for veneration until 10:00p.m. that evening. There will be a lunchtime Mass in the Chapel at 1:15p.m. (being offered for those doing exams at this time), an early-evening Mass at 5:45p.m., and one at 8:00p.m. There will be opportunities for Confessions throughout the day. Petitions/Donations may be sent to the St. Oliver Plunkett Novena, Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cullies, Cavan H12 E5C7. All petitions received will be placed beside the relics as they rest in the Chapel. All are welcome for this very special event. Please contact the Centre on 049 4375004 for more information.
Abortion: Changing the Narrative – a Statement of the Catholic Bishops Five years on from the May 2018 referendum which removed the constitutional guarantee of the equal right to life of unborn children and their mothers, the Bishops of Ireland have issued a statement which also takes into account the recent review by Government of the abortion legislation introduced following the referendum. At that time the bishops said, “a new situation now exists in Ireland. It is essential for us as a Church, which cares passionately about the gift of life, and wants to support both mothers and their unborn children, to seek better ways of responding to this new and very challenging reality”. Today, bishops reaffirm the deep conviction of our faith, namely, that the dignity of every human life, from conception to natural death, is a value for the whole of society, rooted in reason as well as in faith. No matter what legislation is passed, the fundamental right to life for all human beings at every stage of development still prevails. The bishops remain convinced that the relevant law, the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2018 will, in due course, be repealed. In the meantime, the Church will continue to seek loving and supportive protection for every mother and for every child in the womb, including babies diagnosed with a disability or a life-limiting condition. The bishops will continue to do their best to change the narrative through dialogue and by testifying, in season and out of season, to the Gospel of Life. How can People of Faith help? Read the full statement (which is available in the church and also on
Teach Oscail 31 Church St., Cavan 4 Art classes – 9th, 23rd May & 6th, 20th June at 2pm.
Wonder Women’s Group in Teach Oscail, 31 Church St., cavan – Art class – 23rd May, 6th & 20th June at 2pm. New members welcome.
We are asking people NOT TO PARK their cars on the avenues around the Cathedral while attending Mass or other Church ceremonies.
The emergency services need to have access to the Cathedral at all times. One never knows when the services of an Ambulance or Fire Brigade are required and access routes should not be blocked at any time.
Consideration for others is all we ask and leaving the avenues and all yellow boxes free at all times is essential.
We remember in our prayers MOLLIE KIERNAN, Owen Roe Tce. PATRICIA GALLIGAN, Curragho and all who died recently.
Numbers you may find useful to have
ALONE (Support for Elderly): 0818 222024
AWARE (Support for anxious/depressed): 1800 80 48 48
BODYWHYS (support for those affected by eating disorders) 01 2107906
CHILDLINE (Support for Children) 1800 666 666
MABS (money advice & budgeting service) 0818 07 2000
MEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 01 5543811
PIETA HOUSE (Mental Health) 1800 247 247
SAMARITANS (Someone to Talk to) 116 123
SOSAD phone line 24 hours a day – 049 4326339
TERMANN (Domestic Abuse): 085 8102433
WOMEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 1800 341 900
Carrickane & District Residents Association 2023 AGM on Monday 15th May at 8pm in the Abbey Bar, Cavan. All residents welcome.
Cavan Singers Concert “Top of the World” with special guest Fr Darragh Connolly – Hotel Kilmore Wed. 17th May at 8pm. Doors open at 7.30pm. Tickets available from choir members, Cavan Gifts, Main St. or pay at the door on the night. Admission €15.
Mass Intentions for this week
Saturday 13th 7.30pm
Gretta Burns, Carrickfern
Frances Smith, River St.
Felix & Annie Sheridan, Tullacmongan
Michael & Lily O’Halloran & deceased of O’Halloran family, Limerick
Con O’Dwyer, Drumnavanagh
Sunday 14th 8.30am
Deceased of Martin & Brady families
Dan Galligan, Farnham
Veronica, Pat & Patrick Sharkey, Drumalee
Special Intention
Sunday 14th 10am
Thomas (Tommy) Connolly, Drumelis [Month’s Mind]
Angela Kerssebeeck, Cavan
Charles & Kathleen Gallagher, Crossmolina; Carmel Gallagher, Harrow, London
Sunday 14th 11.30am
Ellen & Matt O’Reilly, Harmony Heights; deceased of O’Reilly family, Corranure, Nora & John O’Reilly, Drumcrave, Mary Rudden, Ballyhaise & Donie Kelly, Killarney
Josie, James, Jimmy & Patty Wallace
Jimmy & Mary Veale, Keadue
Monday 15th 10am
Ray Mc Dwyer, Farnham St.
Tuesday 16th 10am
Margaret Collins
Wednesday 17th 10am
Michael, Kathleen & Niall Smyth, Main St. & Patrick Connolly, USA
Thursday 18th 10am
Alex Mc Cabe, Cootehill
Friday 19th 10am
Brendan Mc Donnell, Cootehill Rd.
Saturday 20th 10am
Patrick O’Brien
Saturday 20th 7.30pm
Bernadette Jones, Cluain Aoibhinn, Swellan
Michael Brosnihan, Clare
Jack O’Gorman, Drumalee
Jim Kelly, College St.
Rose Kearns, Richmond Mills [Month’s Mind]
Sunday 21st 8.30am
Special Intention
Sunday 21st 10am
Matt & Bridget Lee
Jason Martin Joseph Doyle & deceased of Doyle & Smith families
Sunday 21st 11.30am
Aidan Crossan, Carrickane
James & Lena O’Rourke, son Paddy & daughter Brigid
Sean Curtin, Carrickane [Month’s Mind]
Joan Dillon, Cavan formerly Kerry [Month’s Mind]
Sunday 14th 10.45am
Sean Woods, Billis
Helen & Eugene Timoney, Farnham Rd. & Peter Campbell
Francie Brady, St Phelim’s Place
Monday 15th 7.30pm
Frank Carroll, Church View
Tuesday 16th 7.30pm
Matthias, Kathleen & Paddy Donnelly, Tierquin & Patrick
& Rose Brady, Corlisalee
Sunday 21st 10.45am
Matt & Elizabeth Fay, Main St. & Convent House
Mary Kate Murphy, Church View
Patricia Mc Donagh, Swellan Lr. & Yorkshire
Belinda Mc Donagh Walsh, Drumgola Woods [Month’s Mind]
Sunday 14th 9.30am
Philip & Mary Mc Donald, Crubany
Margaret & Edward Smith, Shankill; John Smith & Olive O’Reilly
Friday 19th 7.30pm
Jim Martin, Derrycramph
Sunday 21st 9.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 14th 10.30am
People of the Parish
Wednesday 17th 7.30pm
John & Molly Shannon, Innishmore, Butlersbridge
Friday 19th 7.30pm
Michael J. Lee, ‘Glenveagh’, Stragelliffe
Sunday 21st 10.30am
James & Mary Hague, Keeney, Cloverhill