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Christmas 2023 Newsletter

Masses this week in our Parish

Cathedral Monday – Friday 10am

Saturday 10am & 7.30pm (vigil)

Sunday 8.30am, 10am, 11.30am Vigil 9pm

Monday CHRISTMAS DAY 10am & 11.30am

St. Clare’s Chapel Sunday 10.45am Monday 10.45am

St Brigid’s Killygarry Sunday 9.30am Sunday (Vigil) 9pm Monday 9.30am

St Aidan’s Butlersbridge Sunday 10.30am Sunday (Vigil) 9pm Monday 10.30am

Eucharistic Adoration in St Clare’s Chapel

Christmas and New Year Arrangements

Christmas Eve 11am to 2 pm.

Christmas Day 11am to 2 pm

St Stephen’s Day 11am to 2 pm.

New Year’s Eve 11am to 2 pm

New Year’s Day 11am to 2 pm

Eucharistic Adoration will take place at the usual hours

11am to 7pm on all other days over the Christmas Period.

People are invited to make a special effort to visit Jesus in

the Blessed Sacrament St Clare’s over Christmas.

Next Sunday’s Readings

1 st Reading: Gn 15:1-6, 21:1-3

2 nd Reading: Heb 18:11-12, 17-19

Psalm 104

Gospel: Lk 2:22-40

CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm – 3pm

Baptisms in our Parish Booking essential at

049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.


We welcome into the Christian Community

Enya Briody, Ronan Lewis; all who were baptised recently.

The parish envelopes for 2024 are now ready for

distribution. We thank all who have helped us over

the years to distribute the envelopes. If you are

willing to join this team and help in your area please

call to the Presbytery or phone Rosaleen at

049 4331404.

Tuesday 12 March 2024 will mark the 150th  Anniversary of

the opening of the iconic building which served as the

original Saint Patrick’s College, Cavan (up to its relocation

to the new college building in 2012) and now houses the

Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre since 2005. Bishop

Martin Hayes will be the principal celebrant of a special

Mass to commemorate this milestone anniversary in the

Cathedral of Saints Patrick & Felim, Cavan on Saturday

16 March 2024 at 11:00a.m.  Further details will be

announced in due course. 


Christmas Eve 24th December Vigil Mass

Cathedral 9pm

St Brigid’s Killygarry 9pm

St Aidan’s, Butlersbridge 9pm

Christmas Day

Cathedral 10am & 11.30am

St Clare’s 10.45am

St Brigid’s Killygarry 9.30am

St Aidan’s, Butlersbridge 10.30am

Monthly Collection / Offertory Collection

If you would like to contribute towards the upkeep

of the priests in our parish and the upkeep of our

churches for 2024 and have not done so your

contribution will be welcome at the weekend

Masses or drop your contribution in a clearly marked

envelope into the Presbytery.

If you would like to contribute by standing order you

can do so by setting up a payment to:

Monthly Collection a/c BIC: AIBK IE2D and

IBAN: IE85 AIBK 9320 5158 3660 57. Please put your

name as reference.

If you would like to contribute by envelope please

contact us at 049 4331404 so we can issue a set of

envelopes to you. Thank you for your support and to

all who have paid up to date.

The Bishop & priests of the Parish thank you for your

support throughout the year and wish all our

parishioners and their families a happy, peaceful and

holy Christmas and wonderful New Year.

Bishop Martin

Fr Kevin, Fr Thomas, Fr Brian,

Fr Bijo, Fr Cyriacus & Dcn. Jordan



Saturday 23 rd 7.30pm

James & Annie Kitson, St Mary’s Tce. & deceased of


Peggy & Bill Allen, son Patrick & deceased of O’Reilly

family, College St.

Brian Finlay, James, Rose & Frank Finlay

Tom & Ann Maughan, son Terry, grandsons Tom &

John Paul, granddaughter Winnie

Sunday 24 th 8.30am

People of the Parish

Sunday 24 th 10am

Hugh Cosgrove, Lakeview

Special Intention

Special Intention

Sunday 24 th 11.30am

Michael & Teresa Bravender, St Phelim’s Place & son


Fiona Bergin (nee Webber) & Roisin Webber

Jim & Teresa Keeney, Donegal, sons Jim & Danny

Con Harley & deceased of family, Donegal & Scotland

Thomas & Anna Flynn, Cathedral Rd.

Sunday 24 th Christmas Eve Vigil 9pm

People of the Parish

Monday 25 th 10am

People of the Parish

Monday 25 th 11.30am

People of the Parish

Tuesday 26 th 10am

Johnny Mc Cormack, Highfield Rd

Special Intention

Wednesday 27 th 10am

Special Intention

Thursday 28 th 10am

Sarah & Michael Smith, St Phelim’s Place

Friday 29 th 10am

Michael Smith, Athboy & St Phelim’s Place

Saturday 30 th 10am

Paddy & Mary Tully, Coolboyogue

Saturday 30 th 7.30pm

Tom & Eilish Mc Namara, Dora Cassese & son Pat

Peter & Benny Gaffney, Breandrum & Hugh Maguire,


Sunday 31 st 8.30am

Special Intention

Sunday 31 st 10am

People of The Parish

Sunday 31 st 11.30am

Pat Kelly, Highfield Rd. & deceased of Kelly family

Pat Lynch, Cootehill Rd.

Special Intention


Sunday 24 th 10.45am

Special Intention

Kazys Gintvainis

Monday 25 th 10.45am

People of the Parish

Sunday 31 st 10.45am

Mary Plunkett, Ballyjamesduff


Sunday 24 th 9.30 am

Special Intention

Sunday 24 th Christmas Eve Vigil 9pm

People of the Parish

Monday 25 th 9.30am

People of the Parish

Sunday 31 st 9.30am

Tommy & Mary Monaghan, Killygarry

Tommy, Katie & Anna Donohoe, Pullamore

Geraldine Mc Loughlin


Sunday 24 th 10.30am

James, Mary, Brendan & Tony Mc Ardle, Plush

Sunday 24 th Christmas Eve Vigil 9pm

People of the Parish

Monday 25 th 10.30am

People of the Parish

Sunday 31 st 10.30am

Mary Cosgrove, Innishbeg

Jack & Rose Mc Gerty & deceased of Mc Gerty & Brogan



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